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Y/n's Pov:-

I opened my eyes and saw that I'm not in my house. I looked around me OH ! RIKI is beside me and Jake too.

"Y/n you woke up. How are you feeling now" Riki asked me.

"I'm fine" I replied.

"Oh that's nice to hear" Riki said in a relief.

"Thankyou so much " I thanked him.

"No need! I'm glad that you told me " Riki replied.

"Y/n do you want to eat anything?! You didn't had your lunch" Jake said.

"No thanks ! I'm good." I replied.

"What no! You need to eat lunch. Do you know what doctor said?! She said that your so weak that if a strong wind will pass by you, it will carry you with it." He said.

"HAHA! You're so funny Riki! There's no way that's gonna happen " I replied.

"Only if you eat healthy food and not a bag of Cheetos " Riki said.

"Oh so you saw that too" I replied him.

"Yes! And that's the reason you're here! IN THE HOSPITAL!" Riki said.

"Okay so what should I get ya?!" Jake said.

"Anything " I replied.

"Okay bye then. See you " Jake said and left.

"Bye see ya" Riki said to Jake.

"Y/n what you eat in the breakfast? I mean what you usually eat ?" Riki asked me.

" Umm! It depends on the situation! Sometimes I eat full breakfast! But sometimes I only eat ramen noodles. " I replied.

"What you ate today?" Riki said.

" Ramen noodles and fried eggs! Then as a snack I ate Cheetos " I replied.

"Yeah! And that's why you ended up like this. " Riki said.

I feel like he's roasting me or something! But anyways he was right I should have cared about myself first! But still I can't help it I just love eating spicy food. After some minutes Jake came back with food and offered it to me.

After eating food Riki went to see the doctor to ask her when am I getting discharged.

"What she said?" I asked .

"You can go home in the evening" he replied.

"Oh Thank God! I have so much homework to do" I said in a relief.

"OKAY Bye Guys I gotta go now! Take care y/n and feel free to take help from me! Bye Riki !" Jake said and left.


I was discharged now and Riki was still here.

"Riki you can go now! Your mom must be waiting for you! I am fine now" I said to him.

"I already told mom about it. You don't worry! Let's go" Riki said.

"Riki thankyou so much for everything " I thanked him.

"Nevermind Y/N ! Don't forget we are friends " he replied.

After reaching home, I invited Riki to come in. And he agreed.

I didn't expect this weekend to end up like this. My life is so boring. I just want to complete my graduation and restart my life with a fresh beginning. But sometimes I think that it's not the only thing I wish for, there's something else I want but I don't know what is it!

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now