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Riki's Pov:-

Embarassing! embarassing!! Ohh myyy godd👹👹 !! Why I make situations awkward?! I always mess up with the situations!

Oh she came back ! I wonder what she is thinking right now. She must be thinking why I am here  !! Uhh I guess I need to leave now. I stood up and I suddenly heard her saying  " Do you want to eat Haitai Calbee Honey Butter Chips? Or something else?"

"Huh?! Me?" I said to her in confusion.

"Yeah! I'm talking to you! Who else is here without you?!" She said.

She's right! I just thought she would have pissed off from my existence after such situation!

"Yeah you're right! I'm the only one here Hah!!" I replied her with a awkward laugh.

"Do you want it?" She said.

"Huh!! Yeahhh" I replied.

She got the Haitai Calbee Honey Butter Chips bag and sat next to me! While we were eating i started a conversation.

" Why were you scared when I told you that I'm the umbrella guy on the phone call?" I asked.

"N-nothing! He's a stranger that's why I got scared" she replied but her facial expressions look like she is hiding something or something is wrong with her.

"Is that so?" I asked.

"Yes- j-just a stranger n-nothing else" she replied.

"You know I guess I have seen him before! But I don't remember when or where" I said to her.

"What! Do you? Where have you seen him?" She asked.

" I said I don't remember him" I told her.

"Oh!! Yahh!" She replied.

"I will try to remember where I saw him! He's so familiar to me ! Where I saw him? Where?!!" I was trying to remember.

"Just don't waste tim-"

" Oh I remembered " I said as I remembered him where I saw him for the first time.

"You already remembe-"

"I saw him when you fainted Y/n! Remember that day !! And you know he and some other lady came to me started questioning me" I said to her.

" W-what ? A lady ?! What she told you?" She said.

" Why are you so curious?" I asked her.

"I just wanna know!! Tell me what she asked you" she said

" Nothing just your name " I replied

" WHAT!! DON'T TELL ME YOU SAID HER MY REAL NAME!?" she said, almost eating me.

" What do you mean Y/Naa!! What else I'm supposed to say her?! Of course I said Lee Y/N." I replied her.


" Nothing else but that dude asked me about my relationship with you " I said.

"Huh! What you said" she asked.

"My f-friend ! What else!?" I lied. Because I don't want her to swallow me.

"Nothing!! Why didn't you told me about this earlier?" She asked.

" You never asked" I said.

'Your right " she replied with a sigh

"What are you hiding from me?! Tell me already I know something is bothering you!" I said to her.

"Nothing special" she replied.

"Something is fishy in here! Tell me I know you are hiding something and back when I asked you  about that guy you said you don't know him but now your curious about them" I said.

"Riki! I don't wanna talk about it anymore " she said.

"Y/N aren't we friends? Why don't you share your situation with me?! Maybe I can  help you ?!!" I said.

"Riki please I don't want to recall my past again!" she said.

"So it's about your past" I said.

"No it isn't please leave me alone I don't want to talk about it" she said.

"I'm not going anywhere until you will spill the tea " I said .

"I'm not doing it" she said.

"Okay ! Looks like I'm going to stay here for tonight " I replied.

"No you aren't! I won't let you stay here!" She said.

"Tell me then" I said.


"There you go" I said.

"So the lady you met that day is actually my -my mother who left me after my dad died. She wanted to get re-married! And that boy is eventually my step brother! Not biologically but technically."

"Oh!! Is that so?! Why she left you ? She can get married even if you were with her!" I asked.

" Well!! She wanted to start a fresh beginning and I was already a burden on her because she wanted her first baby to be a boy not a girl." She said.

I felt so sorry for her! Her mom is so selfish and  impatient.

"I don't want her back in my life ! It was already hard for me to forget about her! " She said.

"I'm sorry I let her know your name" i Said

"Its okay ! You didn't knew about it" she replied.

"Thankyou! Just forget about her she don't deserve to be in your thoughts " I said .

"I'm just scared " she replied.

"Everything will be fine, don't worry!" I said to her.

"Okay !! Its my time to go!! Bye see you in school y/n" I SAID to her and left.

"Bye! Take Care! " She replied.


I hope you guys enjoyed the part!!.
So! Currently I'm watching a Fresh New K-Drama. Namely "My demon" 😊😁. If you guys want to watch K-Drama, then you should go for this one. ITS TRULY AMAZING!!

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" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now