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Strangers POV:- 

I was walking casually in the rain. I stopped and took out my phone from my pocket. When I opened my phone someone suddenly bumped into me and my phone fell off. I took my phone from the ground and turned to see who was it!!

A girl was bumped into me !! She fell on the ground and she had no umbrella. "Uhh Sorry ! Are you okay ?!" I said to her . I offered my hand to her so that she can get up. When she stood up she lifted her bag up. "Take it" I said and was about to give her my umbrella but when she looked at me she looked so shocked. She didn't take the umbrella and said thankyou to me before running again.

I was so confused. Her face looked familiar to me. I tried to remember where I saw her before.
Isn't she the girl who was staring at me and my mom yesterday. And at home my mom told me about her. Her name is something like Y-y/n?!! Yes it was her!!

After remembering all this I decided to go home. I was about to walk but someone passed by me . And I can see clearly who was it. He's the one who was with y/n that! Its her boyfriend. He too looked at me ! It felt like he was deadly staring at me instead of looking.. After he was gone  I too walked off.

Riki's pov:-

The school was over and it was raining hard. Lucky for me I had an umbrella with me ! I opened my umbrella and walked. While I was walking I saw y/n running. She did not have an umbrella with her. I too started running so I could catch her up and share my umbrella with her.

She crossed the road but when I was about to cross the road too, the red light turned on. I stopped and waiting for the green light to turn on.

I looking at running y/n. She was trying hard not to get soaked in rain water but putting bag on the top of head wouldn't save her from getting wet.


That guy offered his hand to her so that she can stand up. It looks like he was giving his umbrella too.
Y/n didn't take it and started to run again.

The green light turned on and I quickly Crossed the road. 
That guy was still there. It was probably his fault! He was using his stupid phone in the middle of pathway that caused y/n to fall.

I recognised his face but I cannot remember who he was. I didn't take it  serious and left.

I was searching for y/n but she was no where to be found. Her home was near so she might have entered the building.

Y/ns pov:-

I got stressed about it !! Why do I keep getting those memories back when I don't even want the to be back . IT WAS HIM !! I DON'T KNOW HIS NAME BUT IT WAS SURELY HIM. I CAN'T GET OVER WITH IT. BUT WAIT ! DOES HE KNOW ME !? NO HE DON'T ! I NEVER MET HIM BEFORE!!  I relaxed myself.

My uniform was all wet and if I remained like this I will 100% catch cold !! I removed all my clothes and changed into some warm clothes. When I opened my wardrobe I saw riki's hoodie!! OH !! I FORGOT TO RETURN IT TO HIM.

I closed the door and suddenly my phone rang !
Oh it's an unknown number!! I was scared to answer it because of the situation I was in!! I didn't picked it up at first but when it rang for the second time , I decided to answer it.

"~Hello " I said.

"Hi! Y/n It's me " he said! I didn't know who was it and the voice doesn't seem familiar!

"Who are you !!? H-how do you k-know my n-name?! "
I said nervously.

"I saw you on the road !! You were running " he said answering!!

I was so scared now..

"Who gave you m-my n-number and h-how do you k-know me !?" I said to him.

"I have my ways ! I also know where you live ! If I want I can come to you ! And kidnap you ! " He replied, which made me more frightened.

"H-how c-can you k-kid-nap me! H-huh!? You just w-wait! I- am going to call c-cops" I said to stop him.

"What ! Cops !! Haha I am already wanted !! No one every found me ! Even these all cops failed to catch me!! I am professional in kidnaping ! Don't even dare to call cops or else! " He said.

I didn't reply to him and cut off the calls. I was so frightened to even reply him.
He called me again but I didn't pick up. I was alone here and I don't even have friends to call to !! How am I going to survive?!

He was calling for the 6th time now ! I didn't answer at all! I got some notifications!! I opened it and there were some pictures!! When I saw the pictures I was shocked because it was the picture of the place where I live!!

~~ I am right here!!

~~Pickup the phone right now or else I will break through the window and kidnap you !


I picked up the call!! "What you want" I said .

" Hahahah " y/n its me !! Riki !!!

"What!!! It was you?!!! "

" I hate you so much!! How you even dare to scare me !! Do you know how much I was scared!!" I said and started to cry but angrily!!

"Ohhhh!!! Don't cry!! It was just a prank!! I'm sorry about it" he said.

" What's your apartment number!!? I'm coming their!" He said..

"No! Don't come here I hate you" I said angrily

"Just tell me please" he said.

"No" I said .

"Y/nnaaa tell me now or else i will find it myself" he said.

"Its 17 " I said.

"Okay I'm coming! To kidnap you" he said while laughing..

" Come. I will kidnap you instead" I said..

I cut off the phone!! And took off my wet uniform that was on the floor! He can come anytime! I don't want see him all this mess!!


I will post next part after 2 days because of the exams!! I hope you guys will understand!

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" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now