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When senior asked me that why I was here ! I didn't responded and hugged him tightly and started crying. I was so frightened and I saw him as a lifesaver. He patted my back and after some minutes After realising that I was still hugging him I broke the hug instantly. He wiped my tears !!!

He again asked me the same question and I answered him this time.

He stated that we were stuck here until morning as main door is the only door to exit.

I felt like crying again. He told me not to cry again while searching for something in his pocket *panicking*

Oh it was Mobile phone!! I guess we're outta here now !! He didn't turned on the switch immediately so I took it from him and found out it was dead too!!

Now I'm crying again!! I want to go homeee!! (T_T) I'm hungry too!!

He told me to have a look at the project he was working on! Trying to cheer me up !!

We reached there!! It was on third floor

He opened the door and we entered.

I looked at the project and which was so creative and  was almost completed. It was a big model of many rides which had beautiful lightning and was decorated with sparkles and beautiful trees . It was the model of amusement park. Which worked like real one..

How's it ?! He asked.
Its so beautiful! I replied in excitement.

He just laughed at my reaction. And I was embarrassed of myself.

Btw what's your name? He asked
Umm. I'm Lee Y/N and yours ? I replied.

My name is Nishimura Riki. He replied.

We were just talking and suddenly all lights turned off.

I covered my head with my arms , closed my eyes and screamed.

Riki's Pov :--

She looked at my project and she seemed surprised by it. I guess it was so nice.. imma pro.

We were talking and suddenly lights went off!! I can hear y/n screaming..

I told her to calm down!! Why is she scared of everything?!! Maybe she's a girl that's why?!!

After some minutes lights are back !!

She sighed in relief!! She was now asking me how to leave!!

"I'm not staying here now anymore! Not for a minute" She stated and left the lab.. I stayed here because I knew she will come back!!! And yeah I guessed right She came back!

Aren't you coming?? She said.

I didn't said anything.

She sighed and sat down warming her body with her arms. She was feeling cold. I just gave her my jacket. At first she didn't take it but after she wore it and felt comfortable now.

I was thinking about the project and she loud whispered that she is hungry. It reminded me of the snacks that one girl gave me this morning! I searched for them in my bag and found it. I took it and gave it to y/n. She looked extremely surprised by it and started to eat it  and also offering me to eat.. These snacks won't erase all the hunger but something is better than nothing.

*Time passes*

Y/N's pov :-

I was sitting and suddenly Riki stood up and went to door. I asked him " where are you going? " Toilet " he replied simply. But I was afraid to be alone and I told him that I'm coming too. Obviously it was so embarrassing but I couldn't help it.

He went inside the bathroom and I waited outside because I can't enter there !! (Privacy).
I waited for few minutes and he came out forgetting that I'm right in front of the door and bumped into me making me almost loose my balance.

I was done and I opened the door, got bumped into y/n who was waiting for me in front of the bathroom door!! Gosh! Is she that much sensitive about being alone??? She almost fell and I Catched her ! She's so smol ! My one hand is enough for her to be catched

"Oh! Sorry " I said  "it's okey dokey!" my fault" she replied!!

We went back to the lab and this time y/n was sleepy and so I was.

We both fell asleep on benches and when we opened our eyes it was already morning!!


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" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now