"Twenty Four"

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Y/N's Pov:-

School hours was over and it was time for the party. I reached home and took a quick shower. After I wore my dress , styled my hair and put on some makeup. I curled my hairs because it looked so good on the concept of dress.
I also put some perfume on ,then suddenly a message popped up ! I checked my messages. It was from Riki as he was going to pick me up.

Hi !
I'm here, waiting for you !

Just hang on ! I'm coming.

ALRIGHT! But make it fast.


I closed my phone put it in my little white sling bag . I also picked up the gift box and locked up the door then left.
I saw Riki waiting for me in his car so I went to him

Riki's Pov:-

I was waiting for y/n to come. A little while later I looked through the window and saw someone waving at me. I just realised it was no other than Y/N.

I checked her out from head to toe and she looked so pretty. I was too stunned to speak. The white dress reflected her purity and prettiness. I didn't realised that I was staring at her.

" Hey?! Are you fine?" She asked while waving her hand Infront of my face.

"Uh.. Yes ! Get in " I replied with a smile.

"Thankyou for waiting" she said and was about to open the back door of the car.

" Y/n why are you opening backseat door?! Come sit at the front" I said.

"O-hh alright" she replied and walked opposite side of the car.

Soon she sat and I started to drive. The ride was so silent and it felt so awkward, neither I said anything nor she utter a word. A little later I decided to break the silence.

"You look pretty" I said out of nowhere.

"Thankyou! You too look good "she replied shyly.

I don't know where did I get this confidence from but it did make the situation more awkward. I didn't know what to say next.

" Should I put on some music? " I said.

"Okay! Which song do you like? " She asked.

"Umm! Let's put something matching the situation instead"  I replied.

"Sounds good! What a about PERFECT NIGHT by LE SSERAFIM?" She replied.

" Alright! Perfect night?" I said and put on the said song.

Both of us were vibing on the song . I does match the situation. After the song ended I decided to play Crazy Form by Ateez as next song. It was an energetic song .

5 minutes later we reached our destination. I parked the car after we both stepped out of the car.

"Woahhh! Decorations are pretty" she wowed at the decorations.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now