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Y/n's Pov:-

We came back to the class and Riki said"" I will come back during lunch break ! Okay y/naa!!" In front of the whole class. I just nodded at him before he left.
The whole class was looking at me not just looking but they were staring. I can feel their jealousy. I didn't wanted to make the jealous or something else. But Riki was doing it. As he know that half of the school has crush on him and Lia also. I figured out why she fought with me that day! Because that day Riki didn't gave a shit about her! And she got jealous and broke her friendship with me.

As soon as I sat down the teacher too came and we started studying.

During lunch break

The bell rang and the teacher left as it was lunch break now! I started to close my books and my writing stuffs.

Riki also came as he promised of coming during the break.

"Yo!! What's up ?! Are you done y/n?" He said in chilling mood and came Infront of my table.

"Yes! Almost" I replied

"Lemme help you"  he said while putting pens in my pouch.

Lia and other girls were also here! They were acting like they don't care about us but in reality the were !!
When we were done with my stuffs. Riki grabbed my hands and we went outside the classroom..
Now it was kind of extra for me but Riki didn't care about it. He wants to take revenge for me.

"Uhh ! Riki! Can you leave my hand please? It feels awkward. Plus we are in school! And Lia is not here anymore! I said because it didn't feel right to me.

"Is that so?! Ok nevermind!" He said while leaving my hand.

We walked to canteen and soon his friends came.

Someone:-  Hey Riki?! Where you disappear suddenly after the bell rang !!

Riki :- To see my friend. Y/n meet them they are my friends. And y'all this is y/n ! My new friend.

"Just a friend or girlf-- " some other boy said while raising his eyebrows but Riki cutted him off.

"No just a friend Jake!" Riki said.

I said Hi to them and they started to tell their names.

"Hi My name is Hesseung! Nice to meet you !!"

"Hi My name is Jungwon ! Nice to meet you !!

"Hi My name is Jake ! Nice to meet you !!

"Hi My name is Sunoo! Nice to meet you !!

"Hi My name is Jay! Nice to meet you !!

"Hi My name is Sunghoon ! Nice to meet you !!

Thankyou for introducing yourself! I bowed to them.

"Let's have seat" Riki said.

We all sat down and one of them started a conversation! I was so confused with their names but I guess it was heeseung speaking.

"So tell us how you guys meet ?" He said.

When he said the question my cheeks started to burn up! It was so awkward moment. I remembered when I first saw Riki.

Riki looked at me and he could see me being uncomfortable. I didn't want to answer the question but other boys forced him to say it..

"What is wrong with you guys ! Can you stop teasing me everytime?" He said

"Its just a question Riki don't make it so suspicious." Jake said.

"Ughh Okay!! We met in school. We were both locked up in here till morning!! That's it " Riki said .

"Oooo ! So that's how you two met first time!" They all said and gave a shocked reaction.

"Lets get food now " Riki said to change the topic.

"We all got the food and ate together!"

After we were done I decided to leave now !!

"Y/n do you want to play basketball with us?!" Riki said..

"Uh! I don't know how to play it !! You guys go and play ! I am deciding to go to library to get some books."  I said to him

"Ok no problem" Riki said and then left.

I went to library and got some books to read. I really love to read fictional story. Currently I was reading a book which was based on vampires !!

I started to read first page but someone took off the book. I lifted my head to see who was it. IT WAS HER! YES ! IT WAS LIA AS I EXPECTED.

"Give me back my book" I said standing up.

"Look y/n I am not here to fight with you ! I just want to clear the things ". Lia Said.


"Y/n please let me speak something to you " She said.

"Lia I don't w-"  I was about to reply her but teacher called us.

"Girls come to the assembly hall and inform other girls too" teacher said.

I glanced at Lia and left. As soon I left she too left.

When I reached the hall everyone was there ! I wonder why we are being called here. The principal walked in and started to speak.

"You all might be wondering why you are here! So reason behind it is that all teachers must have told you about the recent competition between two different schools! And I'm here to inform you that the competition has been cancelled due to some reasons! I hope it would not have sadden you . THANKYOU "

After the speech almost everyone had sad expression on their faces but it didn't affect me because I wasn't participating in it either ! But 8 felt bad for Riki and his friends! They all were excited for the match.

Everyone started to leave and I also left the hall. I saw Riki and his friends in the corridor! I bet they were talking about it !!

I went straight to my classroom and sat on my seat! Some girls were also talking about it and Lia was also talking about it as she was also a participant. Soon it started to raining. The weather was matching thier moods. It got darker and lightnings were striking in the sky.

Departure time

I packed my stuffs and left the classroom.. I was the first to left classroom. I remembered that I don't have an umbrella with me. There was nothing I can do so I covered my head with my bag pack and started running.
As I was running I bumped into someone. I fell on the ground.

"Uhh Sorry ! Are you okay ?!" He said and offered me his hand.

I took his hand and stood up.  All this time I was looking down because of rain. I took my bag which was on the floor.  "Take it " He offered me his umbrella. I was about to take it but when I saw his face. I was shocked so was he ! I backed off and said thankyou before I again started to run.





" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now