" Sixth "

381 13 0

Y/n 's POV

I opened my eyes and it was morning already.
Riki woke up at the same time.

School guard opened the door and we decided to sneak instead of telling guard what really happened.
Riki told me to rest today and not let anyone know about what happened last night because they might spread false allegations about it and then we will have troubles to deal with ( like we did something dirty 🙂🤣). I respected his opinion about it and we went home.

Back home

I was so tired and after opening my door, first thing I did was taking a warm bath.

After bath.

I changed into casuals and went to make some food because I was so hungry.
After I ate my breakfast I went to take a nap.

2 hours later

I woke up from the nap and went to store (where I work for some extra money)

Evening 🌆

I came back and continued my routine


I woke and went to school. I went to my classroom straight. When the teacher entered in the classroom she questioned me why I was absent yesterday! "I was sick yesterday" i made an excuse and she told me to sit down.

During break

Me and Lia were sitting together and eating our lunch. We were talking and laughing together. I told her about what happened day before yesterday but I didn't told her that Riki was also stuck because I didn't feel like to say her.

"I'm so sorry, if I wouldn't have left you alone that day , this all wouldn't have happened!! " Lia said
"Its okay it didn't affect me that much" I replied

I was eating my food and suddenly I felt someone's gaze on me. I looked up and saw Riki lookin' at me while his other friends were talking together. We made an eye contact which lasted for couple of seconds.

I broke the eye contact and continued to eat my lunch.

I can feel Riki and his friends left the cafeteria

We were done and we decided to watch boys playing volleyball. It was Lia's idea tho she had crush on one of them!!

There was a match between two teams RED TEAM AND BLUE TEAM. They were probably boys of A section and B section

Lia was cheering for RED TEAM which means she was cheering for A Section.

I didn't know which team to cheer for as I don't know anyone of them. So I cheer for the same team Lia was cheering for.

Someone in the RED TEAM shouted " RIKI HERE YOU GO"
I saw Riki playing for Red TEAM.

Suddenly crowd went crazy and Riki being lifted by his teammates. THEY WON.

Lia went to give them some refreshments. I walked with her. She was offering Riki cold drink bottle.
Since I was with her Riki saw me.

Instead of looking at her Riki looked at me as she gave him drink and not me, he should be looking at her.

She was acting cute and was appreciating Riki. Of course she is expecting him to pay attention towards her but I guess here was totally opposite. He didn't pay that much attention towards her but he thanked her before leaving with his teammates.

Lia seemed sad and disappointed.
She asked me " why was he looking at you ? Do you know each other?!
"No h-how can we k-know each other?! I never saw him before just saw him today!! " I replied.
Oh okay! She responded and went to class.
I also went to class.
Rest of the day Lia didn't talked to me.

*Another day*

I went to school and I saw Lia walking in the corridor. I shouted her name and told her to stop and wait for me. She pretended like she didn't hear me. I repeated but she didn't stop.

I was wondering.

Soon I entered the classroom. The teacher came and the classes started.
It was break and I went to Lia to ask her the reason behind her ignoring me.

Hey Lia! Why are are ignoring me did I do something wrong? I said. All I could get as a reply was her eyes staring at me with anger and rolling before turning back..

I went again to her and asked same question!! We were in playground now.
I hold her hand and looked at her.




She pushed me after calling me monster. I fell and my ankle twisted.
I screamed and cried because how hurtful it was.

I can hear Lia saying and walking back to classroom.
I was still on the floor silent crying because it will hurt more if I walk..


I hope y'all enjoyed the story. If you are really enjoying the story then please vote ⭐. It will encourage me to continue the story!!

Thankyou 💝
Have a good night 🌉 morning 🌄 .

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now