"Epilogue "

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Riki's Pov :-

I was walking towards the ground when someone called me from behind. I turned around to check and it was a girl. She was unknown to me . I didn't have seen such girl in this school.

" Hi Riki !" She said.

" Hello ? Do we know each other ? " I asked.

" Yes ! We do ! You don't remember me ? Huh? " She said while pouting.

" I'm sorry I don't " I replied.

" Ugh ! It's the second time you didn't recognise me " she said.

" What second time ? " I replied but then I suddenly remembered her.

" I guess you remember me !" She said.

" Umm. Are you - what's that name ?! Park something" I said

" It's Park Yena! " She said.

" Yeah that's what it is " I replied.

" Btw what are you doing here ?" I asked

" I just transferred " she replied.

" Wait- you hated this school right!? " I asked.

" Oh you remember! Yes I did but now I like it " she replied.

" Oh alright! Bye " I said and left.

" Bye ! See you " she said.

I made my way straight to ground. Me and my boys were going to play volleyball today after a long time. As I was walking someone came Infront of me.

"Oh y/n ?" I said when I saw her.

" Who was that girl ?" She asked.

" What girl?" I said.

" The girl you were talking to a minute before" she said.

" Oh you mean her ?" I said.

" Yes? Why ? You got more?" She asked.

" No why would I ?" I replied.

" What were you talking about?" She asked.

" Are you jealous!? " I said smirking.

" Answer the question " she said.

" She said she just transferred here " I replied.

" Wait you two know each other?" She said.

" Yes we do ! I told you before" I replied.

" When ? " She replied.

" We met at family dinner! You too already met her that day ! " I said.

" Oh ! So it was her " she said.

" Yes ! Why ? Are you jealous?" I said.

" No I'm not ! " She replied.

" You 100% are ! " I said.

" Yes I am ! " She said.

" I know you are! " I said.

" You were too when I was hanging with Mingyu " she said.

" Yes I was and I needed to be " I replied.

" Hmm ! Okay bye I'm going to hang out with Mingyu! You're no fun ! " She said.

" Wait- what did you said ?! I'm not fun! Mingyu is ?" I said.

" Yes ! You are going to play volleyball and watching it is boring " she said.

" Okay so tell me what you want to do ! I will do it " I said.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now