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I was searching for y/n but she was no where to be found. Her home was near so she might have entered the building.

I also left but I decided to call her since I had her number. I secretly took her phone number when she left her phone in my house. It felt illegal but she is my friend anyways.


I feel so evil right now! She was already living alone and I casually pranked her! Uhh anyways at least I can meet her now!!
I reached the floor she lives in. I came out of the elevator and now I was standing Infront of her door. I knocked the door and waited for her to open it!
Soon she opened the door.

"Hi" i said

"Yes! Come in" she said still angry.

I entered her home and it wasn't that big but it surely was so cute. It was actually perfect for one or two persons. Near the door there was some space for shoes and after her kitchen and living room can be seen.

I was looking at her stuffs and she said me to sit down. We both sat on the couch.

"Y/n ! I'm actually sorry for what I did!'  I said because I feel like to say it.

"Do you?! But wait how do you got my number" she said.

"Uhh! Long story actually ! Let's forget about that"   I said.

"What long story?! Say it I'm ready to hear the long story " she said

"Y/n just leave it! Btw where is your washroom?! I need to use it " I said trying to change the topic and I stood up!!

"Its at the right" she said while pointing her hand towards it.

After using washroom "not actually " I came back.

"If it's your washroom! Then this must be your bed room" I said to her and tried to open the door!

"NO!! DON'T OPEN IT" she said while running towards me and Covering the bed room door with her arms!

Shes too little for covering it!

"Why!!? Is you bed room messy?" I said to her while smirking 😏.

"No !! But just don't go in " she said.

"Its okay I won't tell anyone about it !! Lemme see how messy is it so that I can help " i Said .

NO !! I WON'T LET YOU GO ! FIGHT ME IF YOU CAN !! she said..

When she said it!! It sounded so silly  because shes so smol ! I accepted her challenge because it seems so fun.

"Okay let's see" I said.

She covered the door with her arms even stronger which was cute to see . Her height was up to my shoulders actually a little bit down and I have to bend myself to see her!! It was so funny that she is challenging me 😭🤣 !

"Y/n do you really want to challenge me!! I mean look at your hei--" I said but she cut me off.

'YES!! But if you want to give up no problem Riki I can understand!" She said

No ! Let it be like it is! I said.

Okay then! She said while putting all her powers into her arms.

I stepped forward and casually picked her up like a small kid!!

"Who won?! I said to her while smirking.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now