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Meanwhile, the heroes were still fighting Queen of Hearts invincible army.

‘Maybe time for a little luck on our side LB!’ Cat Noir replies, dodging Ivan’s punches. Luckily Cat Noir had speed rather than strength to his advantage.

‘Good idea Cat Noir!’ Ladybug replied as she vaulted backwards avoiding Luka’s punches. Never thought I’d have to fight my own boyfriend ever since Miracle Queen she thought to herself as she stood atop a carnival game and called up her power.

‘Lucky Charm!’ she cried, as she threw her yo-yo up into the air and caught it.

‘A voice changer?’ she said to the others. ‘What am I supposed to do with this?’ She notices it’s set to Queen of Hearts voice.

Ladybug looked around and saw her voice changer, her earpiece communicator, Queen of Hearts sceptre and Cat Noir light up.

‘Hmm, I know what to do! Cat Noir put in your earpiece communicator!’ she said.

‘But we’re so close! What’s the point?’ Cat Noir replies.

‘Trust me!’ Ladybug smiles.

‘Always LB!’ Cat Noir replies with a smile, doing as she says, taking his communicator out of the end of his staff and putting it in his ear.

Monarch meanwhile speaks to Queen of Hearts again from his lair as the Akuma symbol appears over her face.

“Your powers will work on Cat Noir and Grey Wolf my queen! Then you can ask them to tell you who they love and I may be able to find out their civilian identities!” Monarch grins

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“Your powers will work on Cat Noir and Grey Wolf my queen! Then you can ask them to tell you who they love and I may be able to find out their civilian identities!” Monarch grins.

“True!” Queen of Hearts replied. “And to have two invincible super heroes on my side will be amazing! Nobody will be able to stop me!”

She commands her subjects. ‘Seize Grey Wolf and Cat Noir!’

Since they left the girls alone, Eagle, Uncanny and Ladybug huddle up. ‘Here’s the plan!’ Ladybug says.

‘Ah, girls? Little help?’ Cat Noir says.

‘Yeah, she’s got us where she wants us!’ Grey Wolf added.

‘All part of the plan Kitty!’ Ladybug whispers on her communicator as he winks at Grey Wolf who nods that he trusts the girls as well.

‘Become my loyal subjects Grey Wolf and Cat Noir!’ Queen of Hearts says as she blasts them both with her sceptre as her other subjects hold them still.

‘We live to serve you Queen Persephone!’ they say, bowing to her.

“Perfect!” Monarch grins. “Now ask them who they love!”

‘Who do you love Grey Wolf and Cat Noir?’ Queen of Hearts asks them.

‘We Queen Persephone!’ they reply with hearts in their eyes as Queen of Hearts and Monarch both facepalm.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now