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They went over rooftops at lightning speed towards Betrand King’s office and burst through the window.

‘AHHH!’ he cried as he stood up from his desk. ‘What is the meaning of this?’

‘Since our little speech about plastic fell on deaf ears earlier this week...’ Passionflower began.

‘We thought we’d come and teach you a lesson!’ Roselia grinned.

‘Uhhh....what lesson?’ Bertrand said as he backed against the wall in fear.

‘About how damaging your plastic is on the environment!’ Passionflower growled.

‘How would you feel being a fish but instead of swimming in water, you’re trying to swim in plastic waste!’ Roselia said angrily.

Betrand gasped, having never considered that before.

Then the heroes came bursting through the window too.

‘That’s enough Environmental Warriors!’ Ladybug scowled.

‘Yeah, stand down already!’ Cat Noir added.

Passionflower scowled. ‘You pests are really starting to irk me!’ she said as she cracked her whip at Betrand King, paralysing him.

Roselia shot a green beam at him turning him into a topiary.

‘Nice new office plant, former King of Plastic!’ she chuckled.

‘More like King of the trash pile!’ Passionflower smirked as they high-fived.

‘Environmental Warriors!’ they exclaimed.

‘That’s enough!’ Ladybug cried as she wrapped the two villains up in her yo-yo.

‘Your puny weapons can’t contain us!’ Passionflower grunted.

‘They’re worthless against the power of nature!’ Roselia smirked as she touched the yo-yo string and it started to turn into a leafy vine and made its way up towards her yo-yo as Ladybug gasped.

Thinking quickly, Grey Wolf swung his scythe down the yo-yo, severing the string before her yo-yo could be completely transformed.

The now vine fell off the villains and they escaped with ease.

‘There’s more where that came from if you try to stop us!’ they cry, somersaulting over the heroes and out the window once again.

‘Thanks Grey Wolf. That was a close call. Normally that string is indestructible’ Ladybug smiled gratefully.

‘It probably knew it needed to break LB’ Cat Noir smiles as Ladybug nods in understanding.

‘Or it recognises a good miraculous power when it senses one’ Eagle added.

‘Can you fix it?’ Uncanny asked her.

‘If I detransform and retransform, it will fix itself, don’t worry’ Ladybug assured her.

‘You do that LB, we’ll follow the villains and see where they’re headed’ Cat Noir replies as the other heroes nodded determinedly.

‘Great, let’s keep in touch!’ Ladybug says as they all get out their communicators and put them in their ears while Uncanny turned on her radio into their frequency.

After they had left and Ladybug was alone she detransformed. ‘Spots off.’

She gave Tikki a Strawblueberry Delight macaron from her purse and sighs.

‘These are formidable opponents Tikki. They work so well together. And it’s hard to get close to them without the risk of getting paralysed.’

‘You can do it Marinette!’ Tikki encouraged as she took another bite of her macaron.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now