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It was a beautiful Sunday morning and Marinette woke up and stretched.

‘Morning Tikki!’ she greeted her Kwami.

‘Morning Marinette!’ Tikki smiled as she stirred on Marinette’s pillow. ‘What’s on the agenda for today?’

Her phone beeped with a message as she smiled when she saw her boyfriend’s name on her phone.

Luka: “Good morning my sweet melody 😘”

Marinette smiled as she texted back.

Marinette: “Good morning my sweet prince! 🥰”

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Marinette: “Good morning my sweet prince! 🥰”

Luka: “Did you sleep well angel?”

Marinette: “Very well! You?”

Luka: “Same. Although I’d sleep even better if I could wake up beside you every day Marinette ❤️”

Marinette: “Aww! I’d like that Luka! ❤️”

Luka: “Yeah... hey, I was wondering, do you want to come over and watch the infomercial together?”

Marinette: “Sure! I’ll be over your place about 9:45!”

Luka: “See you then angel! Hey, afterwards, did you want to get morning tea somewhere? You choose the place angel!”

Marinette: “Okay, how about that new Boba tea shop that opened a few weeks ago?”

Luka: “Sure, sounds great! See you at 9:45 then! 😘”

Marinette: “Yep! Can’t wait! See you then! ❤️”

‘Looks like morning tea with Luka Tikki, after we watch the infomercial at the Liberty. But first, shower then breakfast!’ Marinette smiled.

‘Ooh, and maybe a breakfast macaron or two?’ Tikki grinned.

‘Of course Tikki!’ Marinette smiled.


About 9am that morning, Marc and Nathaniel were walking over to Ann-Marie’s new house.

‘Thanks for coming with me Nath. I just want Ann-Marie to make friends slowly. I mean, I invited her to sit with us at lunch on Monday, but with a lot of people I don’t know if it will be too much for her’ Marc said to his friend.

‘I understand Marc’ Nathaniel smiled. ‘I get she doesn’t make friends easily, so gradually is good. But everyone is really nice. I don’t think we’d scare her off!’

‘Yeah, true...’ Marc replied, ‘but best to be safe! Hopefully she’s home!’

‘You mean you don’t know?’ Nathaniel chuckled. ‘I hope this whole walk isn’t for nothing!’

‘Says you who doesn’t like doing anything strenuous!’ Marc smirked as he bumped his hip against Nathaniel’s.

‘Hey, I’ll have you know I just like conserving my energy for my drawing’ Nathaniel replied.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now