REACTION (Dhar Mann Inspired Story) - PART 1

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We go back to Monday morning at DuPont High, just after the group went to the Spring Fair.

'Hey Alya!' Marinette waved to her best friend as she got dropped off by Luka at school who waved at them as he cycled off to school himself.

'Hey girl!' Alya smiled. 'Nora just sent me pictures of the twins having fun on the bouncy castle at the Spring Fair!' she said, showing her.

 'Nora just sent me pictures of the twins having fun on the bouncy castle at the Spring Fair!' she said, showing her

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'Oh yeah, I saw that, but thought I would be the biggest kid there if I went on that!' Marinette chuckled. 'But it looked like some kids were having a blast on it! I didn't see Nora and the twins there yesterday though?' she said with a raised eyebrow.

'Nora and Cookie took them Saturday' Alya explained. 'Cookie challenged her to the ladder climb so she wanted to beat him. Let's just say she won enough plush flowers for our whole family and Cookie got zipola!'

Marinette chuckled. 'Wow, hope he took it okay!'

'Eh, he was fine. Nora's his girlfriend so he let it slide. Unlike that crazy jealous villain from yesterday. Is Zoe doing okay?' Alya asked.

'Yeah, I just texted her, she was in her limo on the way to school. She's all good surprisingly. I think now that she's able to be true to her feelings for Owen without fear of Persephone, she's much happier.'

'That's good. Nino still owes me that foot rub!' Alya winks as they both chuckled.

They met up with the others and chatted before the bell rang and they went off to their homeroom.

Lila watches them all and smirks. One more week Marinette, and your whole world will come crashing down she thought to herself as she walked in with Chloe.


Marc and Jessica went to their homeroom too with Ms Mendeleiev.
'Hey can I ask you a favour?' Jessica asked him.

'Sure, what is it?' Marc asked her.

'Shiloh and I have an assignment together due the end of this week in history class. Mind if we swap seats for the week in homeroom so we can swap notes?' she asked.

'Yeah, sure, no problem. Who does Shiloh usually sit next to?' Marc asked.

'Ann-Marie I think' Jessica replied.
'That's fine, will do' Marc replied as he smiled. Ann-Marie was shy and kind of reminded him of how he used to be when he first came to DuPont. So he hoped that maybe this week he could help her become a little bit more confident making friends. She often was seen to be alone, reading books she borrowed from the library. At the moment she was reading Harry Potter.

Jessica waited for Shiloh to arrive to let her know she would be sitting next to her while Marc went into the room and saw Ann-Marie already in her seat and engrossed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Marc went up and greeted her.
'Hey Ann-Marie' he said as Ann-Marie jumped at hearing his voice.

 'Hey Ann-Marie' he said as Ann-Marie jumped at hearing his voice

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'M-Marc!' she gasped, blushing slightly. 'W-what are you doing here? Where's Shiloh?'

'Jess asked if we could swap seats for the week as they have an history assignment together. Is that okay? I didn't know you two were friends...' Marc replied.

'Oh, we're not...she usually reads her own books too, but she's into vampire books, I like wizards' she replied quietly, still blushing and trying to hide it.

'Oh okay...sorry if I scared you' Marc smiled as he sat down.

'Not scared, just surprised me is all...' she replied.

'Okay. I'm sorry. It won't happen again' Marc smiled as she tried to get back into the book she was reading but hoping he wouldn't hear her heart beating inside her chest or hear her stomach grumble.

After everyone was seated, Ms Mendeleiev entered the classroom and did roll call and Ann-Marie put her book down.

'Now that's out of the way, I'm going to hand back your English exams. Some of you did extremely well while others need a lot more effort' Ms Mendeleiev said sternly as she started walking around the classroom.
She handed around everyone's English exams back.

'Jessica, much improved... Shiloh, well done....Matthew, could be better, but good try....' she said as she got to Marc and Ann-Marie's table.

'Marc, excellent job as always!' Ms Mendeleiev smiled as Marc grinned.

'Thank you miss!' Marc replied as he took back his A+ grade.

'Now, Ann-Marie...' Ms Mendeleiev sighed as Ann-Marie looked up at her solemnly. 'I don't know what universe you think this tripe you gave in would give you anything more than a C- young lady. But you need to get your grades up if you want to pass this class. Do you understand?'

Ann-Marie nodded silently, tears forming in her eyes as she sadly took back her paper.

'Maybe Marc can give you a few pointers since he's head of the class in this subject.' Ms Mendeleiev replied as she continued handing back papers to the rest of the class.'

' okay?' Marc smiled as Ann-Marie wiped her eyes with her sleeve and nodded and managed a smile.

'If you need help with English, I'm happy to tutor you!' Marc smiled. 'We can meet at your house or mine after school one day.'

'Yours' Ann-Marie replied so suddenly that it made Marc jump slightly.

'Sorry, it's just that uh...our house is kinda messy and my Dad doesn't like it when I bring friends over unannounced...' she replied shyly.

'That's fine' Marc assured her. 'Or we can meet in the library after school. Oh, can it be tomorrow though? As I'm watching my friend's band rehearse this afternoon.'

Ann-Marie blushed and nodded as all the assignments were handed out.

'I'll tell you what' Ms Mendeleiev said. 'Those with a grade of C- or lower may have the opportunity to resit the exam in two weeks from today. If you get a B+ grade or higher you will pass my class.'

Ann-Marie breathed a sigh of relief as Marc smiled at her. 'I'll help you' he whispered as Ann-Marie smiled and nodded.

At lunch, Marc happened to notice Ann-Marie walking through the crowded tables, almost like she was looking for something or someone.
He was so distracted, Nathaniel had to wave his hand in front of his face.
'You okay Marc?' he smiled slightly.
'Yeah...I'm okay....' he answered. 'I'm just a little worried about my friend in homeroom, Ann-Marie.'

'Oh the emo looking girl?' Nathaniel replied

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'Oh the emo looking girl?' Nathaniel replied. 'She's so shy, she really keeps to herself. I heard her best friend moved away a few months ago so she's been kinda withdrawn ever since.'

'Aww...' Marc sighed sadly. 'I was hoping I could try to be friends with her. I swapped seats in homeroom for the week so I'm sitting next to her every morning. I'm going to try to help her come out of her shell more. I'm also tutoring her in English tomorrow afternoon because her grades are slipping.'

'That's really sweet of you' Nathaniel smiled.

'Thanks' Marc blushed at his crush's compliment.

He hadn't noticed that Ann-Marie had picked up some leftover food from a discarded tray and went outside to eat.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now