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Back at DuPont school, the morning classes were over and pretty soon, lunchtime came.

'Ann-Marie!' Marinette smiled as she came up with her lunch bag. 'Did you get the email I sent you of the Breakfast Club flyer for the summer break?'

'Yes! I'm just looking at it on my Alias now! It's great Marinette!' Ann-Marie smiled.

'Yes! I'm just looking at it on my Alias now! It's great Marinette!' Ann-Marie smiled

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'Hope you don't mind, I got the address from Baljeet!' Marinette chuckled.

'Oh no problem!' Ann-Marie replied. 'I forgot nobody besides Marc and Nathaniel have actually been to my house!'

Nathaniel sat down. 'Marinette copied me in the email too so I'm happy to print them out for you and make copies!' he smiled.

'I don't think we'll need too many. Maybe just to put around the school would be fine instead of in everyone's lockers and some left over to leave on the tables for the next Breakfast Club so the regulars get one. Who is on tomorrow?' Ann-Marie asked.

'According to the roster, it's Alya, Nino, Sabrina and Delmar' Marinette replied as she ate a handful of her grapes.

Alya who was sitting next to her overheard Marinette. 'Oh, give them to Sabrina, please!' Alya asked. 'She'll be waaay more organised than me. I'm so stressed on this last week of school, I don't know where I am or what I'm doing. And I'm waiting on the trimmings for my dress being made at the dressmakers which were supposed to be in on Friday but they're delayed! They assure me they should be there by tomorrow so I can pick it up Friday, the day before the dance, so here's hoping!' Alya said as she crossed both of her fingers on both hands.

'And as well as that we have our math exam results after lunch!' Marinette chuckled.

'Oh gosh, don't remind me!' Alya groaned as she rubbed her eyes. 'I hope I passed!'

'I'm sure you did Alya!' Marinette smiled.

'Thanks for the vote of confidence girl!' Alya smiled as Marinette patted her shoulder.

'I'm just glad Chloe's gone and we have Anne-Jeanne back!' Mylene said as she sat down with her tray.

'Aren't we all!' Alya added. 'She was a horrible mayor! She sent me to "detention" because of my lame reporting skills! Like what the heck is that?'

'I'm glad she's gone too. She was horribly mean to me just a couple of weeks ago!' Ann-Marie replied as she furrowed her brow as Marc put his hand on her shoulder and smiled sympathetically.

Jessica sighed. 'Zoe is taking it pretty hard though. She was rather upset last night about her leaving.'

'Affirmative. She was most distraught. I think she understands it was for her own good now though' Aeon added.

Marinette furrowed her brow. 'Oh, poor Zoe...I mean, Chloe is her half sister after all.' She took a bite of her chicken tandoori wrap.

'I think she was hoping to be a good role model for her to help her be a better person' Jessica replied.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now