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That night, under the subtle cool breeze of the late autumn early winter night, the pale moonlight crept into the room, entrancing every object that came under its touch. Junhui was curled up into the couch, thick blanket covering his cold feet from sight. An empty pizza box with bits of crumbs as remnants of the devoured meal laid on the coffee table, already gone cold from the wind. It was a Friday evening, yet he had nary the usual drink in hand. 

The scene was almost laughable. What was he doing eating pizza by himself in his apartment on a Friday night? Any other time he'd be at cocktail hour in the company of nerdy but comforting friends, or at peace with his boyfriend snuggled up in bed. He sighed, switching channels from the news to Netflix, in hopes of finding something that could wile away the time till said boyfriend reached home. 

It was as if his wishes were heard by the gods, because not long after he started a sit-com, a knock was heard from the door. He retrieved the keys, striding over to the door and opening it gently. Standing in the walkway was Minghao, swaying ever so slightly on his feet, and another guy. 

"Junnie!" Minghao giggled. He stepped forward, promptly tripping over his feet. The guy's arms shot out to stabilise him, much to the older's annoyance. 

"H-Hi." The guy stuttered out. Junhui raised an eyebrow. 

"Uh... Minghao had a few drinks just now and I didn't trust him to drive himself so I offered to bring him back. G-Goodnight." He rushed out the sentence and as quickly as he spoke, scuttled off into oblivion. Not everyone could compose themselves under Junhui's heavy stare. 

Junhui redirected his attention to Minghao. "Come in darling you're going to freeze out there." The rosy-cheeked Minghao walked in slowly, almost stumbling over his own feet. Junhui turned to help the other with his bag, but stopped abruptly in surprise. Minghao had slammed the door shut, and with a shocking show of strength, pushed the older against it. He tiptoed the tiniest bit to reach the other's height. With a piercing gaze and a lopsided smile on his gorgeous face, he sealed their lips together in a burning kiss.

The older, still taken aback, didn't register the situation until a few moments later. He peered down through half-hooded lids, his pupils, despite his best attempt, enlarging with the slightest bit of lust. Minghao broke away, the trace of saliva between them not going unnoticed. Internally, he was pleased to see Junhui growing impatient, arms around him to draw him in again. Before they continued any further, Minghao grabbed the older man's hand gently, starting to pull him in the direction of their bedroom. He let out a small yelp when he was tugged back into the warmth of the other. 

"I love your new-found courage, trust me I do, but the one thing I will not let you do is trample all over the floor I just cleaned. Go take off your shoes and change. I'll wait for you hm?" Junhui instructed through a whisper. Minghao let out a half-hearted whine, something Junhui found irresistibly cute. Fighting the urge to kiss the younger once again, he pulled away and settled himself into the soft cushions of the sofa, eyes following Minghao as he crossed the living room and hid behind the closed doors of their room. 

Not long after, Minghao emerged in his silk pyjamas. Junhui swore he chose that set of sleepwear on purpose. The top, a size or two too large, slipped down his left shoulder innocently as he padded closer. Junhui pat the cushion next to him, but the younger ignored his gesture, choosing instead to sit on his lap. His legs straddled the older's hips, another surprising move of that night. 

Junhui gently ran a thumb over the younger's swollen lips, eyes scanning his face. His lips were as entrancing as his entire being. Minghao was beautiful, gorgeous and everything in between. Minghao shifted to settle himself more comfortably on the other man, and carefully leaned forward. Their lips captured each other's in a firm but different kind of kiss. You see they were always careful, careful not to hurt each other. Yet tonight, they both had a stronger sense of need. 

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