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Warning: This part contains mentioning of death, blood and violence


May 16, 2023

Mingi frantically pressed the blue button on the elevator. He looked to his right side. His best friends Jongho and Wooyoung were leaning against the white concrete wall of the building. Wooyoung's eyes were closed while his head leaned gently on Jongho's shoulder. His gray college jacket hung over his limp arms that clutched Jongho's right arm. His black hair hung down his face, covering parts of his sweaty forehead. Jongho had also closed his eyes, leaned his head back and breathed in a rhythmic beat. His entire neck was reddened and he looked as if he would fall asleep standing at any moment.

Mingi sighed as he continued to watch his best friends and wondered whether it was really the best idea to go drinking with them. He hadn't had a drop of alcohol himself as he still had to drive, but now he had to get them both home somehow.

The loud ping of the elevator startled Mingi out of his thoughts. He took a step back as the elevator doors opened. Then he gently grabbed Jongho's arm and pulled them both into the narrow space. He pressed the button for the basement and the doors closed again.

After some silence, the elevator doors opened again and Mingi stepped into the stuffy air of the basement of the parking garage. He caught sight of the black van, which actually belonged to Jongho's brother, a short time later and pulled his friends with him. They both staggered after him and Wooyoung mumbled something incomprehensible.

Mingi opened the van and pushed the door to the side, then he made room for the two of them and watched as they got into the car and slumped melancholically onto the soft seats. Smirking, he shook his head and made sure they were buckled up. Their heads fell back against each other and their eyes were closed again. Mingi stood there for a while, watching their peacefulness. They were so infinitely important to him that it felt almost unreal to have them.

With a small smile, he pulled the heavy door shut behind him and got in himself a little later. He had a good view of them through the front mirror, but they seemed to be deeply asleep. Mingi put the car key in and took a deep breath before trying to start the engine, but something interrupted him in his action.

A loud noise of screeching car tires ripped through the underground garage and made Mingi freeze. It was so loud that he even looked around, but there was no car to be seen anywhere.

Before he could waste another thought, the passenger side door was ripped open and Mingi's head turned to the side. A man landed onto the seat next to him and the door slammed shut again. Mingi's pulse suddenly increased. The man turned his head. He was a little older, wearing a plaid shirt and, to Mingi's fear, a huge gash spread across his forehead. Blood ran down the side of his face, forming small streaks and dripping onto his shirt. The man looked upset, frightened and distraught. Mingi was already overwhelmed by just the sight of him.

"Start the engine!" he suddenly shouted. His voice was rough and yet Mingi could hear his desperation. Although he had no idea what was going on, he was overcome with a fright. "Quickly," the man groaned, and before Mingi could ask him why, the corrosive sound of car tires were heard a second time and Mingi squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted to ask what was going on or why this strange man had got into the car. Mingi was far too confused to act quickly or to do anything. Only a few seconds passed, but it was too long.

This time the door on Mingi's side was rudely yanked open and before he could even turn around he felt a leather glove grab him and yank him out of the van. It happened so quickly that Mingi only really realized what was happening when he felt the cold concrete beneath him. His entire body was pressed against the hard surface and he realized that what had just happened was not a dream. It was really happening and more than confusion, he now felt pure fear. Then he felt something hard and unpleasant pressing against his head and he realized that someone was pressing his shoe on his head. A feeling of tightness and pain flooded his head.

Only now did he dare to open his eyes again. His face was turned towards the van and he could look underneath the van perfectly. He recognized two dark boots on the other side of the van. They walked forward in quick strides, then the door was heard to open. And another pair of shoes could be seen. Mingi could only guess that it was the man from before. All of this happened so quickly that Mingi almost didn't notice it.

Suddenly, such a loud bang rang through the whole area that Mingi flinched in horror and the shoe pressed him down even more. Terrified, Mingi opened his eyes again only to see a body falling to the ground on the other side of the van. The plaid shirt flashed in the bright light and Mingi saw the red liquid spread across the floor. He froze and looked into the man's lifeless eyes.

His whole body trembled, he felt cold from top to bottom and he realized that this was really serious. More than fear for himself, he was now afraid for his friends and immediately prayed that whoever these people were had not discovered Jongho and Wooyoung yet.

Mingi soon felt the shoe no longer pressing against his head. Instead, he was grabbed roughly by the collar and pulled upwards so forcefully that he couldn't breathe. He felt something hard and cool on the back of his neck and knew immediately that it was a gun. He couldn't open his eyes. All he could feel was fear. Fear for his life and the lives of his friends. And this fear paralyzed everything in him.

He was so caught up in this feeling that he could barely hear the sirens in the distance. When he was suddenly released and his knees hit the hard ground beneath him, causing a sharp pain, he came back to reality.

He opened his eyes and in a millisecond he saw something. It was bright pink hair of someone that was running further and further away from him. He recognized a white car on the other side of the parking garage and saw the pink haired person and another smaller person running towards the car.

His field of vision was interrupted when he heard more loud gunshots and his head dropped in horror. He ducked down as far as he could and now he heard the loud sirens that were so close they almost drowned out everything else. Shots rang out, a car door slammed, then a car was heard driving away.

It happened in seconds and Mingi hardly noticed. He lay huddled on the ground, trembling. He was aware of the dead body only a few meters away from him and the fear still outplayed everything else. He didn't realize that the sirens were getting quieter. He didn't notice several men running in his direction. Only when someone grabbed him by the arm and slowly pulled him out of his rigid position did his soul return.

"Hey, are you hurt somewhere?" he heard a muffled voice. The parking garage was filled with blue and red lights. Mingi straightened up, still trembling, and turned to the person crouching next to him, holding his arm.

His vision slowly became clearer again. Then his eyes met deep brown eyes of a policeman and his blood froze.

They were the eyes he hadn't seen for two years. The eyes he had missed so much. He would recognise them anywhere.


If you guys want a visual idea or inspiration, you can look at the photos at the top of each part. They give you a little insight :)

Also please look at the dates at the top of each part so you won't be confused (this story takes place in 2023 but there will be time skips to 2021 or earlier, like in the next part)

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