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May 30, 2023

The houses passed by and the cold wind swirled through his hair. Mingi didn't think, his feet acted on their own and carried him through the streets. A hand held him firmly by the wrist, pulling him along and preventing him from stopping. Mingi lifted his head and looked at the man running ahead of him. His light waves in his hair were blowing in the wind, almost looking ethereal.

Mingi had no idea what was happening. He simply let himself be pulled along by Yunho. And even though he was literally running for his life, he wasn't afraid because he wasn't alone.

They ran through large puddles. The water splashed up and soaked Mingi's trousers. He noticed how Yunho slowed down and then the black-haired man suddenly pulled him into a side alley and they both disappeared into the darkness.

Mingi felt his back hit the wall of a house. Completely out of breath, he looked up and recognized Yunho standing close in front of him, looking at him calmly. "What..." Mingi fell silent as a cold finger was placed on his lips.

Footsteps sounded in the distance. Mingi's heartbeat quickened. But it wasn't because of the footsteps, the only thing he saw at that moment were Yunho's brown eyes, just a few inches away, scrutinizing him closely.

Finite seconds passed and Mingi watched every movement in Yunho's dark eyes. Then Yunho took a step back and the heat that had spread through Mingi's chest evaporated.

"We have to get out of here," Yunho whispered. Mingi did nothing but nod silently. Yunho turned back towards the street. He was still holding Mingi's wrist so tightly that it almost hurt. Mingi recognized how Yunho's free hand kept grabbing the side of his trousers where he had his gun.
Yunho looked around, then he pulled Mingi out of the small alley and they ran off again. Mingi simply followed him, unable to take his eyes off him and forgetting everything that had just happened.


Less than five minutes later, Mingi ended up in the passenger seat of a black Ferrari. It was only after Yunho slammed the door shut and the silence enveloped Mingi that he realized what he was sitting in.
Yunho landed next to him a few seconds later and his door closed as well. He took a deep breath and then turned to Mingi. Mingi was staring at him.

"Is that your car?" Mingi asked, gulping with excitement. "Stop asking questions and fasten your seatbelt," Yunho said, pointing to the seatbelt next to Mingi.


The sound of the engine was the only thing that could be heard. Mingi looked out of the window and watched the houses passing by. He kept glancing at Yunho. Yunho kept looking at the dark street in front of them. His face looked tense and his cheekbones moved as if he was chewing on something.

"Why did you help me?" Mingi asked. Mingi looked at him tensely. Yunho's face relaxed a little. He didn't answer. Mingi had to suppress a sigh and looked outside again.

Trees passed by. Then forests and hills. At some point, Mingi realized they were leaving the city. "Where are you taking me?" he asked immediately, looking back at Yunho. "Back to the house," Yunho said. His hands gripped the car steering wheel tightly. "What?" Had Mingi just misheard him? "You were right. It's too dangerous and it didn't make sense for you to come back." Confusion crossed Mingi's face. "But..." he paused, not knowing what to say. Did any of this even make sense?

"Why were you in the bar, what were you trying to find out? What do you know about these people? Why do you keep changing your mind?" He had too many questions and too few answers. "Yunho!" Mingi grabbed the older man's arm. Yunho moved away from him. Mingi narrowed his eyes and scrutinized Yunho closely. He couldn't shake the feeling that Yunho was hiding something from him. It was the only explanation why he never gave him an answer and constantly changed his plan. Was it really the right decision to trust a complete stranger?


It was the middle of the night when Yunho pulled up in front of a house. Mingi opened his eyes tiredly and yawned. He looked out of the window into the darkness. Then his eyes widened. "This isn't the house from before. Where did you take me?"

Instead of answering, Yunho got out of the car. Mingi did the same. Overwhelmed, he looked around in the darkness. They were in the countryside and there wasn't a house to be seen for miles around. The only thing to be seen was the unfamiliar house in front of Mingi. Although it looked more like a wooden hut than a real house.

Yunho appeared next to him. "Follow me," he said and Mingi followed him immediately. "Where are we?" he asked again as Yunho unlocked the door and they entered the small house. Yunho pressed the light switch. Mingi looked around the room in fascination. There was a huge bed on the right wall. There was a kitchen on the left wall and a table in the middle. It wasn't big but it was cozy.

"Yunho?" The older man took off his jacket, then turned to Mingi. "This is my secret place. You can stay here." Mingi looked at him, stunned. "Thank you?" Mingi said, still confused.

He watched as Yunho went to a fireplace on the back wall. He lit a fire. "The shower and toilet are outside behind the house," Yunho said curtly as he squatted in front of the fire and watched the flames. Mingi looked at him, nodded and continued to explore the room with his eyes. There were no photos hanging anywhere. The wooden walls were bare, as if the house was just a storeroom. Nevertheless, there was something special about this place. Was it because of Yunho?

Yunho got up from his crouch and walked towards Mingi. His eyes wandered to Mingi's wet pants. "You should change," he remarked. Mingi had to smile because it was obvious. Silently, Yunho walked to a wooden chest of drawers next to the entrance door and pulled out an old pair of pants. He tossed them to Mingi. "You can wear them," he said.

Mingi wanted to smile gratefully at him, but Yunho turned around again and walked to the bed. He sat down and took a deep breath. Mingi looked at the pants, then at Yunho, who was staring at him intently. "Can you maybe turn around?" Mingi asked. Yunho snorted in amusement. "Why? We're both men, what's the problem?"
Mingi rolled his eyes.

"Fine." Yunho mumbled and dropped into the bed. Mingi walked behind the table and changed his pants. They were comfortable and smelled like Yunho. Mingi couldn't help but smile.

After a while, Mingi dug h phone out of his jacket. Yunho, meanwhile, had sat up straight again. "Forget it. There's no network here." Annoyed, Mingi stared at his phone. "How am I supposed to tell my friends where I am?" he asked. Yunho stood up. "I'll let them know," he said. "How?" Mingi asked, visibly confused, as Yunho walked past him and towards the kitchen, which consisted of a stove and a fridge.

"I'll go back in the morning and let them know," Yunho said, glancing into the small fridge. Mingi followed him and stopped behind him. "What, you're leaving me here alone?" he asked. No, he wasn't afraid that someone would come here, he just wanted Yunho to stay with him. Even though Yunho wasn't very polite to him, he obviously took care of him and even brought him here.

"Two policemen will come tomorrow morning to protect you." Mingi nodded slowly. He wanted to ask when Yunho would come back, but Yunho spoke first and answered his question immediately. "I'll come back tomorrow evening and bring you something to eat. Then we'll see." Mingi nodded slowly. "Thank you, Yunho." The older man turned to him. Mingi gave him a genuine smile. Although Yunho didn't smile back, he didn't look as threatening as usual. "It's alright." Yunho mumbled and turned away from him.

Mingi watched as Yunho walked back to the bed. Mingi didn't know why, but he had the feeling that Yunho wasn't the person he pretended to be. Maybe there was still this part of him deep inside that Mingi had been missed for two years.


In the darkness, Mingi looked beside him. Yunho was lying peacefully next to him in bed, asleep. His breathing was even, his eyes closed. Mingi gazed at him thoughtfully for a while before he closed his eyes as well.

Maybe Yunho was actually quite nice, at least that's what he thought until then...


Update on Friday <33

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