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December 3, 2021

The cool air blew through the city, leaving an icy chill in its wake. Wrapped up in a thick jacket and a gray scarf, Mingi walked past the wide gate of his high school. A broad smile appeared on his face.

"Hey Mingi!," a boy in the blue school uniform called out to hbim. Mingi turned around and recognized Wooyoung walking towards him.
"I wanted to go to the Christmas market with Jongho, are you coming?" Mingi's best friend asked. Mingi shook his head briefly. "I already have plans, but I'll see you after the weekend, yes?" Mingi didn't wait for an answer and kept walking. His hands sank back into his jacket pockets. Wooyoung looked after him in confusion and wondered what he was up to.

With a gleam in his eyes, Mingi arrived at a café a little later. From the outside, it was decorated with fairy lights and from the inside, it exuded an inviting and warm atmosphere. Mingi pulled his phone out of his jacket and typed a message that he was there. He couldn't help but smile sheepishly at the thought that he was about to meet her again.

Isabella, a girl from Italy who had been going to his school since the summer. At first they were only classmates, but Mingi had liked her since he had first seen her. But since she was quite popular and had a lot of friends, he never really had a chance to talk to her. He never thought they would go on dates together one day. And it was already the second time this week. Mingi had no idea if Isabella liked him too, but he couldn't be happier to be dating such a pretty girl.

Excitedly, Mingi pushed open the door of the small café and brushed his brown hair out of his face. He looked around for a while, thinking he was too early, but then he spotted her beautiful black curls at a table in the corner. He walked and was about to call her name, but his breath caught and he stopped.

Isabella was not alone. Only now did Mingi recognize the other person opposite her. After a closer look, Mingi realized that it was a boy from his school. His name was Yeonjun and, unlike Mingi, he was handsome, popular and absolutely perfect.

Mingi lowered his head. He wanted to leave, but unfortunately Yeonjun caught sight of him and after looking at him for a while, Isabella also turned around. She smiled a little and stood up. "Hey, I didn't know you were already here," she said as she appeared in front of him.

Mingi gave her a sad smile. "Did I disturb you?" he asked. Isabella looked back at Yeonjun, who was sitting at the table drinking his coffee. Isabella turned back to Mingi. She looked a little overwhelmed and swept her long curls back. Her little snub nose shone in the light.

"Listen, Mingi," she said and Mingi swallowed, guessing what she was going to say. "The dates with you lately have been really nice, but I don't think we should see each other again." Confusion flashed through Mingi's eyes. "Why?" he asked. Isabella shrugged her shoulders. "We don't fit together." Mingi knew that she actually meant that he didn't suit her.

Slowly, his finger pointed to the table where Yeonjun was sitting. "What about him?" he asked. Isabella smiled. "Yeonjun really understands me.
I don't want to get your hopes up, so it's better if we don't see each other again," she said.

Don't get your hopes up?, Mingi asked himself. On their last date, she had kissed him and said that Mingi was the nicest boy she had ever met in Korea. And now?

Stunned, Mingi let out a sigh and nodded. "I get what you mean. Have fun," he said and turned around. With heavy steps, he left the café and walked back into the cold.

And like this his first love ended after just two weeks. And although they hadn't even really been together, it felt like a stab in the heart.
Mingi walked sadly along the sidewalk and dropped onto a bench under a tree.


1 week later


"There you are." Mingi said to Jongho and Wooyoung, who came up behind him. "What are we doing here?" Wooyoung asked. Jongho grinned. "My brother works here," he explained, pointing to the entrance. "You know we're not allowed in there. We're underage," Wooyoung objected. Jongho rolled his eyes with a smile. "That's why we're here, because my brother will let us in."

Mingi and Jongho wanted to go, but Wooyoung held them back. "What if we get caught? You know it's illegal to drink if you're underage." Mingi sighed. "No one will know and now come on." Unsure, Wooyoung followed his friends.

At the entrance stood a man who looked anything but friendly. "We're friends of Vernon," Jongho said. The doorman raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Are you Jongho?" he asked and Jongho nodded. The man's grim face disappeared and he took a step to the side. "Come in," he said. Jongho walked through and Mingi and Wooyoung followed him nervous.


"My lovely brother," Vernon shouted happily and put an arm around Jongho. They were standing in the middle of a huge night bar. People were standing everywhere, drinking.

Wooyoung pulled on Mingi's arm uncertainly. "Why are we here?
I want to go," Wooyoung said. Mingi shook him off. "Come on. Let's have a drink and have fun." Wooyoung looked around with an uncomfortable look. "Just because you got your heart broken doesn't mean we have to go to a bar illegally and get drunk." Mingi squinted at Wooyoung and laughed.
"I didn't get my heart broken," he said, crossing his arms. "So why are we here?" Wooyoung wanted to know.

The two were interrupted by Jongho, who had said goodbye to his brother. "Are you coming now?" Jongho asked, pointing towards the bar. "I want to go," Wooyoung said. "Do what you want." Mingi mumbled and walked to the bar alone.

"What's wrong with him, Jongho?" Wooyoung complained. Jongho put an arm around him. "He's sad about that girl. Let's just play along. He'll soon realize that this isn't the right place for us." Wooyoung nodded. "I hope you're right."


Mingi stared sadly at his half-empty glass. Wooyoung and Jongho had been gone to the restroom for half an eternity.

Suddenly, the bar stool next to him was pulled back by a person. A man dropped down next to Mingi. Mingi looked up in surprise.

"What's a high school student doing in a place like this?" the man laughed. Mingi wanted to see his face, but the man was looking the other way. "How do you know I still go to school?" Mingi asked. The man finally turned towards him.

Deep brown, almost black eyes met Mingi's and his breath caught. The man pointed at Mingi. "You look like a little puppy. You don't belong here," he said. Mingi followed every movement of his mouth. He was fascinated. "Neither do you," Mingi said. The man crossed his arms.

"Aha," he mumbled and tilted his head. He was wearing a white shirt with a black jacket. His wavy black hair covered parts of his forehead.
"If you and I don't belong here, what do you say if we leave?" the man finally spoke.

Without hesitation, he grabbed Mingi's hand and Mingi subconsciously realized that this man was dangerous, but he ignored it. Because he was naive and stupid.

"Where to?" he asked. The man smiled. "My place."


For your information: Isabella is a fictional character, Vernon is the one from Seventeen and Yeonjun the one from Txt

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