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June 1, 2023

A loud whistling sound from the wind woke Mingi up. With a furrowed brow, he slowly rose from the bed where he lay. Vague memories from the night before came to his mind. He could remember a forest and lying against a tree, but how had he gotten here?

Mingi looked around. He was back in the small house. The room was only slightly lit, it was quiet and there was no sign of Yunho or any other human soul anywhere. As Mingi slowly tried to get up, he noticed that his hands and knees were wrapped in light bandages and he was wearing thick woolen socks. Had Yunho brought him back here?

With a slight headache, Mingi got up from the bed and walked to the only window in the house. The raindrops pattered against the window. Dark clouds had gathered over the area. The trees were bending in the stormy wind. Mingi looked thoughtfully outside for a while. Then his gaze wandered to the side and he spotted a steaming bowl on the table with a note next to it. He took the note.

"Please eat something. I'll be back soon, then we can talk. Yunho."

Mingi sighed and looked at the food. If he had been in a different situation, he would not have eaten it, but hunger had been tormenting him since yesterday. Without further ado, Mingi sat down at the small table and began to eat. He had no choice but to wait until Yunho was back. He couldn't go out in this weather anyway. After Mingi had finished eating, he went back to bed and fell asleep shortly afterwards.


He woke up again when he heard a soft noise at the door. He slowly got up from the bed and recognized a figure in the darkness. He flinched in shock. "It's me," he recognized Yunho's voice and the older man appeared in front of him. He dropped a bag on the ground and took off his black leather jacket. Mingi looked at him, waiting, then he jumped out of bed. "What are you doing?" Yunho asked as he watched Mingi run to the small kitchen. He opened a drawer and pulled out a knife. Yunho looked at him in confusion.

"Calm down Mingi." A sarcastic smile formed on Mingi's lips. "I can't trust you. Why did you bring me back here?" Yunho tilted his head. "Why did you run away?" Yunho asked him instead.

With slow steps, Mingi walked past Yunho and back to the bed, but kept the knife pointed at him. "You wanted to talk, then talk," he demanded. Yunho didn't seem to be impressed by Mingi's knife and sat down on the bed as well. "About what?" he asked, eyeing Mingi calmly. "About everything. What do you know about these people? What do you have to do with them and why the hell did you bring me here?"

Yunho sighed. "I don't know much, I have nothing to do with them and I brought you here to keep you safe." Incensed, Mingi continued to point the knife at Yunho, who slid back a little. "Stop lying! I heard everything, I know you know them." Yunho looked at him, then rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Stop asking questions then."

Mingi was getting more restless by every minute. "I want you to take me back right now." Yunho crossed his arms. "You will stay here," he said. Mingi lowered his shoulders. "But why? They've already found this place. There's no point in me staying here." Yunho said nothing more and stood up. He grabbed the bag he had brought with him and took it to the kitchen. "I've brought something to eat."

Stunned, Mingi stared after him, then jumped up. "You can't keep me here!" he said hysterically. "That's kidnapping," he added and Yunho started to laugh. Mingi no longer understood anything. The knife in his hand fell to the floor and his expression turned to despair. "Can I at least use my phone?" he asked. Yunho looked thoughtfully. "I'm sorry, I left your phone at the police station," he said and Mingi knew immediately that it wasn't true.

Mingi stroked his hair in confusion. Yunho really wanted to lock him up here. He shouldn't have trusted him. Frustrated, Mingi fell back onto the bed and curled up in the blanket. He didn't want to believe that this was really happening. He wanted to go back home. Back to his friends. Without realizing it, a few tears rolled down his cheeks, but he stayed under the covers so that Yunho couldn't see it and make fun of him again.

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