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May 17, 2023

Mingi's fingers tapped nervously on the black table. The penetrating gaze of the policeman in front of him was driving him crazy.

Finally, the silence was disturbed and the door opened. Another person entered the small room. The person with the darkest eyes Mingi knew. He cleared his throat and closed the door. "My name is Jeong Yunho and this is my colleague Lee Minho," he introduced himself and sat down. Mingi's eyes lit up. He finally knew his name. His joy disappeared, however, when Yunho pushed a folder towards him.

Mingi looked down at the pictures, which showed the corpse of the older man. He swallowed. "Did you know this man?" Yunho asked, leaning back. Mingi shook his head and began to knead his hands. "Where are my friends?" he asked uncertainly. "We've taken them to our infirmary so they can sleep off their alcoholic intoxication," Minho said.

There was silence for a moment, then Yunho spoke again. "Did you know the men who did this?" he said, tilting his head. The look reminded Mingi of the first time they met in the bar. Could Yunho remember him?

"No, I don't know any of them," he finally said. "Okay, the more important question. Did you recognize or see any of them?"
Mingi thought for a moment. "Yes, the guy who pushed me down had pink hair." Something flashed in Yunho's eyes, but Mingi couldn't place what it was. "Are you sure?" Minho asked. Mingi nodded. Yunho sighed loudly. "Why what is it?" Mingi asked as both men in front of him looked horrified. "Explain it to him, I'll talk to the others," Yunho said. He stood up and grabbed the folder. Then he disappeared from the small room.

Mingi's uncertain gaze went to Minho. "We've been following a small gang for a while. They're probably working for the mafia." Mingi's eyes widened. "Mafia?" he asked incredulously. Minho nodded. "Is there really such a thing?" Mingi asked, as he had only ever thought it existed in movies. Minho looked at him seriously. "Do I look like I'm joking?" Mingi quickly shook his head.

"Anyway, we're pretty sure it was this group," Minho continued. "What kind of group is it?" Mingi asked out of curiosity. "We don't know much about them, but we suspect there are four or five of them. They've killed several people in the last few weeks alone. All of them had some business to do with them." Mingi raised an eyebrow. "What business?" Minho sighed. "Like drug dealing, for example. But like I said, we don't know much, except that they're pretty dangerous and very smart."

The door opened again and Yunho stepped inside. Mingi looked at him. This time, Yunho didn't sit down. He stopped and scanned Mingi. "What's going on?" Mingi asked, nervous of his gaze. "We have to think about what to do next," he said. "What do you mean? I have nothing to do with them." Yunho pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and stared into space. Mingi couldn't help but stare at him.

"You had nothing to do with them," Yunho then improved him. "Your friends are lucky they weren't discovered, but you..." Yunho's gaze wandered over Mingi. "They know what you look like, and even worse, you've seen one of them."

"But only from behind," Mingi objected. Yunho shook his head. "That doesn't matter. They'll find out who you are and where you live sooner than you think." Mingi's eyes slowly filled with fear. "And now?" he asked anxiously. "You have to hide." Mingi didn't understand.

"How am I supposed to do that, I'm studying and my friends..." Suddenly, Yunho punched against the table and Mingi immediately fell silent. "If you value your life, you'll do as we say," he spat at him. He suddenly seemed so angry. Minho grabbed Yunho's arm and they exchanged a quick glance. Yunho calmed down again.
"Until we have them, you're not safe."

Overwhelmed, Mingi nodded and stared down. It felt so unfair. He hadn't even known the dead man and now he was supposed to hide? What if they never found the men, would he have to hide forever? "You can go to your friends now, then we'll figure out where you can go." Dumbfounded, Mingi nodded and stood up. Yunho held the door open for him.


Mingi dropped down next to Jongho and Wooyoung's beds. They lay there and slept peacefully. He watched them for a while. "I'm going to miss you," he murmured. Mingi couldn't imagine going anywhere where his friends weren't. The three of them had moved to Gwangju together to study here. Tears slowly formed in his eyes. He took Wooyoung's hand. Wooyoung had been his friend since they were children and he was like a brother to him. And Jongho was just as close to his heart, even though they hadn't known each other as long as he and Wooyoung had.

"It's not the time to cry," Mingi heard a cold voice behind him. He let go of Wooyoung's hand and stood up. Yunho's gaze was on him. "I'm not crying." Mingi said and blinked away his tears. "Whatever." Yunho said and held a piece of paper out to him.
Mingi took it and examined it. There was a picture of a house on the sheet and a text excerpt underneath.

"You can go there for the time being." Yunho said. "We'll send two policemen with you to guard you." Mingi took a deep breath. "How long do I have to hide?" Mingi asked. "Until the situation calms down," Yunho replied. "And when is that?"

Yunho glared at him. "Do you always ask so many questions?" he said, annoyed. "You don't have to pay anything, we'll take care of it."

"What about my studies and my friends?" Mingi asked, pointing to the two sleeping behind them. "There are ways for you to work online and as for your friends, you won't see them for a while." Mingi couldn't help but take his frustration out on Yunho.

"That's not fair. I have nothing to do with the mafia and now I'm supposed to change my whole life? Should I stay locked up in a house forever?" Yunho's gaze remained as neutral as always. "Do you think that's fun for us? You're not the first one that has to hide. We've lost finite lives the last few weeks just because we still haven't found those guys. Do you want to be the next one who dies because of them?" Yunho asked.

Mingi looked at him. It had only been two years since he had met him, but he seemed like a different person. He seemed more fierce somehow. Mingi lowered his eyes again. "No, I don't." Yunho took a step closer. "Then do as we say and stop asking questions," he said. Mingi looked at him and returned his intense gaze. He had no idea what Yunho was thinking.

"Okay.", Mingi said. "Can I at least say goodbye to my friends?" Yunho suddenly grabbed his wrist. Mingi immediately got goose bumps and flashbacks crossed his mind. Yunho pressed a phone into his hand. "You can use this to call whoever you want. We've stored your valuables with us. Go and get changed and then my colleagues will take you to the house."

Mingi wanted to ask something again, but he bit his lower lip to suppress it. He didn't want to make Yunho any angrier. He tried to squeeze past Yunho, but Yunho held him. "What about the car? Is it yours?" Mingi shook his head. "It belongs to Jongho's brother. He recently moved here from Seoul. Jongho lives with him." Yunho nodded. "We'll take care of it when they wake up." Mingi looked back one last time. Then he left the room.


An hour later, Mingi was sitting in a police car to his new home with new clothes and a new phone. He wasn't even allowed to take his things from home with him. He looked ahead at the two policemen accompanying him. Then he looked out of the window.

Outside, the sun was slowly rising and instead of lying in his bed, he was now on his way to a new life. And more than fear, Mingi was already feeling lonely.

He wished more than anything that everything would be like before.
But it wouldn't.


For those of you who are wondering Lee Minho is Lee know of Skz and not the actor haha

Next two parts come on Tuesday <33

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