Marry Me I'll treat you right.

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Third person pov.

In Church.

"Get everything perfect it's their big day... finally they are getting married" sighs Mrs.Hwang dreamily..."I know right after so many difficulties they are going to be together I'm proud of them" said Mr.Hwang seeing the mentioned one of the boy walk down isle towards his love..

"Yongbokkie Marry me..I'll treat you right"
"No hyung.."
"Wae? You are my first bestfriend,will you not be my first husband?"
"Really...waee?..see our hyungs are getting married, we should also" said hyunjin pouting to his 5year old bestfriend, like how can he not understand, they are eachother's first then why not husbands too "Hyung there is no ring to get married, how should I?" replied little yongbok to his  little hyung with worry written over his face.
"Ohh..then wait a minute".

If you don't get it then here is our little hyunlix attending their hyungs marriage,they are both 5 year old admiring and lost in the way their hyungs are holding each other now.

"Here, it's one the prettiest Daisy out in garden I'll give you a ring when we are big but for now, take this and marry me" said hyunjin proudly with a huge smile like he just solved the biggest mystry and case of world
"Its pretty hyung,I like it...ok I'll marry you" said yongbok with the biggest smile
"Then yongbokkie Marry me I'll treat right "
"Ok hyung then I'll protect you always ".
"Yeass we got married...we are husbands yongbokkie "
"Hyung...can I call you hyunnie now that we are married like our hyungs ". Yongbok asked tilting his head cutely to now his husband.
"Sure...then I'll call you bokkie from now on"

Both boys were now jumping in happiness as they got married, their excitement and giggles filled the hall and they both fell on each other loosing their balance.
Now both of their parents who had ignored them for so long gave them the attention and immediately smiled t their little giggles.
"What are you both excited about" asked Mrs.Lee trying to be strict but failing at their innocent little selves.
"Oh eomma you know hyunnie and I got married"  said yongbok with a happy smile and showing off his husband to his mother "give us blessings too"
The surprised mother just got along with their little act and blessed them "I bless you both a happy and long married life".
The boys took blessings from all of them like their hyungs and rushed outside to play with each other in the Daisy garden.

Everyone laughed at their silliness... everyone thought they would forget about it eventually but how wrong they were because..

"Hyunnie can you help me with the drawings I can't do". Whined the 10 year felix throwing his pencil drawing and painting was not his skill it was someone else's "ohh.. bokkie it's so easy here I'll do it for you".
Said the 10year old hyunjin taking the thrown pencil and drawing it for him.
"Woah my husband is so talented" teased the little yongbok  "Ofcourse, I know didn't I tell I will treat you well".
"Oh my little boys are still husbands i thought they finished their game" Said Mrs.Hwang suspiciously..."It was never a play though " said yongbok closing his books and pulling hyunjin to play outside with his friends.
Mrs.Hwang smiled at both of them but there was a bad feeling about it and she could not point it out .

On playground.

"Min hyung pass the ball " shouted yongbok to make goal but it was stopped by other boys. "Yah you all , move out of our way this is our ground we will be playing here" said some two new boys who looked slightly taller than them.
"This is our ground, we came first you can join us but you can't shoo us away". Little hyunjin spoke out only to rage the boy's as one of them held hyunjin's collar and pushed him to ground making hyunjin groan in pain loudly and the next thing you know is the boy being beaten up by a angry felix "Don't touch him , he is my husband and you dare try to beat him when I'm still there".
How could they fight felix who was learning taekwondo for 3 years now,it was just their bad day to mess up with him and his husband.

"Marry Me, I'll treat you right"-HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now