It was love all along..........

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Third person pov.

Errie closed her eyes as her mind cheered her for successfully luring another man....Felix's breath fanning her lips, she was for first time nervous....she waited for the lips to join, she waited and waited....until she..... ....

"Behave next time when with me, Errie...its always gonna be work between us" Felix said in his deep voice, standing on his feet and dusting himself when Errie rose on her feet too glaring at him
"You....why are you acting?"
"Who is acting Errie? I'm all good with no sweat, not even hard without a slight bit of rise in heartbeat..I'm all good infact I ain't stuttering too" Felix said with smirk as she trailed her eyes down Felix's body and Felix was clean.....her eyes could not believe that someone could not fall for her..that's impossible..

"You should have trusted me when I said Im gay, I'm married to a literal sweety and beautiful person for almost 2 years and I'm very's not about ethics or love Errie, it's about comfort, care and trust you hold on one...I will never break it, not cause I'm scared he will breakdown but because I never want to..never want to let that dumb dumpling boy go away from, Errie be professional you have a quite a good future with those skills don't waste it on me because IM A BADBOY, I'll never even have a ounce a pity when I go cruel.... BEHAVE next time" Felix said in a firm voice as she squirmed in her place, her heart shattered at the confront as her eyes watered....

"You see, these rings...with initials graded..yes *H.F* should not be written anywhere for not to have fun outside in marriage, it's loyalty...not even having a single sex we are good, thinking seducing can get me then no... NOTHING CAN EVER GET ME, only my husband can get me just with a simple smile...." Felix walked out of the room leaving Errie like that, not even touching her or hugging her for console..she didn't needed it.

Felix huffed loudly closing the door and immediately smiled at the sight infront of him, hyunjin was in business block helping keep some wooden book cartons,  Felix's legs took him towards the boy
"Hyunnie, what are you doing here?" Fix asked helping the boy arrange the cartons
"They are told we will have fest before the semester I'm helping out" hyunjin smiled "So soon?" Felix asked
"Yep, within next two weeks it will be there"
"Ohh..then I'll have a chance to see you dance after long" Felix said with a smile
"You want me to?" Hyunjin asked as little pink dust covered the cheeks and Felix nodded "I would love to see you dance again.." Their fingers brushed against each other as they stared in each other's eyes..... It was scary how fast time felt just some time back the semester started but seems like it's going to end... *Ugh..exams .let's not talk about it*

Felix could never hide a single word from hyunjin, he was tied to the honesty in the relationship and the smile hyunjin gave...he wanted to tell him what happed some time back..what his husband could do but never did because he didn't wanted to..... Taking a deep breath
"Hyunnie would you ever try to seduce me with a dance?" Felix asked making hyunjin frown
"What shit question is that? You don't dance to seduce idiot" hyunjin flicked Felix's forehead giggling
"What if I tell you someone just tried to seduced me with dance?" Felix asked tilting his head as hyunjin's smile disappeared a little
"What do you mean?"
"There is a girl I'm working with for a  project, she kept hitting on me but I ignored her and kept it professional but today...she wanted to go all the way to get a good" Fix paused to see hyunjin's reaction, which didn't show any emotion (might be a little hurt)
"Soo what did you do?"
"Soo I told her she can go all the way down and if i loose my cool then get what you want but if I win you stop the nonsense and she agreed....
She gave a dance while I was looking in her eyes and when it finished, I won so i asked to her to behave herself " Felix said smiling a little proud of having zero libido for others except his sexy man.
"I should believe you?" Hyunjin asked Standing up so did Felix too

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