Fresher's Day

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Third person pov.
"Heyy.. Felix come here bro.."
"Hey mate" " Woah the girl has been eyeing you for long, wanna take her for night lix?".  Chan asked wiggling his eyebrows at felix.
Chan is felix's senior in business department but the man has some really good skills cause he has taken arts too and is learning music with his other two friends Changbin and Jisung.

"You think so? Well I doubt it, i thought the college knew I was gay for long, it's been almost 2years like for real".
"Well you wanna ask her?"
"Sure why not.." Felix told before walking over to the girl in party for juniors, he bent down to her height almost making their nose touch" I heard you were eyeing me...need something?" Felix asked the girl in whisper making her red " can  you become my boyfriend, like i really like you" the girl told sweetly,she really had her eyes for felix for long..
"But I'm gay didn't you know?"
"It's okay you just have to give me a chance, I'll give you the best sex" she spoke seductively well too bad for her because felix is a horrible bad boy and kinkiest person existing...and she is not going to like what he is going to tell
"Is that so? Well I like to hold a dick when I'm  pounding hard in them, I wanna whisper 'cum for me hyung' in their ears or more I need someone elder on their knees for my dick do you think you can sa- "What the fuck felix, I'm a girl"
"Exactly I'm a gay get that thing right in your head you dumbass". Felix smirked seeing the girl almost pissed off and quietly laughed...
"What the hell was that ....damn I wonder how are you still virgin with that kinky ass shit of yours"
"I know right, I wonder too sometimes but can't help it"
" I need a drink to remove the shit which I just heard and do you want a drink too?"
"Na I'm good am not drinking "
"How are you a bad boy when you don't drink nor sleep around?" Chan genuinely asked as felix is a bad boy but he is not too..
"Bad boy doesn't mean I get naked infront of every worthless person and give my precious self to them, I'm special and my dick too and it deserves a virgin ass than a sultty one's and as for drinks I get horny when I'm drunk so I'm staying away from it"
"Woah I wonder how your husband going to live with you" chan sighed dramatically felix is spewing nonsense like for real..
"My husband well..felix roamed his eyes only to find a sexy looking boy coming in and the moment he started walking he stumbled over the wires almost falling making a whole set of drinks fall on him
....he is a dumb dumpling " felix laughed silently at the pouty face of "Why you staring at hyunjin like that as if he is your husband?" Chan asked in confusion
"Well he is though.."
"Like i believe, the sexy king Hwang Hyunjin is your husband,nice try.. "
"But I'm not trying, he is "
Chan laughed loudly thinking his junior is high without even drinking (only if he knew poor chan) chan started moving away.."where are you going mate"
" I'll greet hyunj- no your husband and come back .." chan said sarcastically.
Felix just nodded his head sometimes people are just dumb can't help it.

While felix was drinking his mocktail a pretty girl came beside him and asked.
"Oppa hii"
"Hii". "oppa I have a doubt, can i ask?"
"Sure you can "
"Hmm.i like hyunjin oppa from a long time,he is so sexy that I wanna have a night with him should i?"
And felix controlled his laugh "sure if he tells yes...well if he knows how to do felix murmured the last line quietly..."you told something oppa?"
"Nothing, what you want me to do?"
"When I'm confessing it can you stand by me, I'm scared"
"Ohh...I like it and can't miss it come fast"
Felix hurried the girl towards hyunjin, he could not miss this chance and piece of fun..
Now both girl and boy were facing each other hyunjin with curious eyes and girl with nervousness "oppa I wanted to tell you something from long time can I?"
"Yes I'm listening "
Gaining her confidence,she seductively moved towards hyunjin and whispered
"Oppa would you take me to cloud 9 making my eyes roll"
Felix was surprised by her boldness but kept quiet.."why do you want to die girlie and with me?" Hyunjin was confused why was the asking him to die and go on clouds with her....and felix had to look down to control his laugh
"I mean not like that, like would you pound in me" she spoke with her eyes closed(embarassed) "Sorry I'm a good boy, Ill not beat you and kill you like you asked"
"Hahaha...hahaha " and felix lost it he laughed so loudly that girl ran away with tears of embarrassment but felix did not care, he was right his husband was too innocent and dumb for this "Bokkie why are you laughing, i tried to help the girl" hyunjin asked trying to know why was his husband laughing like maniac..."you are such a dumb dumpling hyunnie"
"Yahh..I'm not dumb"
"Hm..sure~" felix sang patting hyunjin's shoulder and walking away...the curious hyunjin tried to know but let it go thinking he would ask later in their home.

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