Honeymoon tour......

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Felix pov.

I got up first today to see the dumpling still attached to me his natural scent is the most comforting one...his lips close to mine it reminds of our first makeout, he didn't remember anything about it but i do and it honestly felt good, i smiled more hugging him tight.

After i cuddled some more with him I got out and dressed myself for our honeymoon tour....I mean to roam around.

"Hyunnie wake up" I gently tried to wake him but yeah he isn't the gentle type...."Yahhh... Hyunnie" i screamed in his ears but he just tossed around mumbling "Nooo...I'm not going to there's no college todayyyy...... Please" hyunnie whined hiding in the sheets. "You don't want to get up? Like not come with me?" ..."No I'm not coming....where are you going though?" Hyunnie  asked furrowing his eyebrows pulling out the covers.  "Ohh..I'm going to roam around Sydney as it's my honeymoon trip....why you want to join?" I teased "Ohh..your honeymoon ok" hyunnie gave a thumbs up falling back on bed but got up right away startling me "Your husband is me, *i nodded* ohhh...i remember the trip yesss I want to goo, wait for some time bokkie I'll come back....hmm? Pleaseee" he pouted and i nodded "fast, just 30 min" i ordered the flying dumpling going in washroom  "nope I need an hour" he shouted back, " Then, Hyunnie I have a little work take your time but when I come back I need you ready" i shouted back.
He opened the door with a brush in his mouth "Whver are ywu gowing" he asked "I have a little business, I'll come back fast" i replied putting on my watch "Ywu kwo thwis plwace?" He asked tilting his head..."Hyunnie I was here for seven years...did you forget?" I asked and his eyes turned wide "and by the way spit the toothpaste out before speaking " I told.  "Bokkie you are going to meet your friends on our honeymoon trip leaving me?" When was he so fast "no I'm not meeting friends today, but we can meet my grandmother and some friends tomorrow, today let's enjoy hm" i answered to which he nodded excitedly.

Hyunjin pov.

I took bath super fast, wore a beige pants with a white shirt and a beige sweater with dark brown prints on it. I put on a light makeup and lipstick, styled my hair wore some rings and a watch. Surprisingly I got ready super fast in just 30 min.
I sat on the bed staring at the door thinking where did he go? If i had agreed to 30min then he would stay right? Why didn't I agree? What is taking him so long? Who is he meeting? Where did he goo? I layed back on the bed like starfish moving my hands and legs staring at the ceiling waiting for him only then the door opened "Where did you go? I was waiting for soo long you know? Who leaves their husband for 3-4 hours and go huh... that to on honeymoon " I glared in full seriousness throwing daggers at him "I just went for an hour Hyun and I got breakfast for us *he showed the bag with food* and what is wrong with you I just went for an hour not 3-4 hours like you said" he spoke placing th food on table walking near me "You are lying, you left me for 3-4 hours I know" I spoke still glaring "Aahh bokkie " i screamed when he just scooped me up from bed placing me on chair "I left for an hour hyunnie just trust me" he smiled as he started plating our foods and I opened my phone lock to see the time and it had been just 30min since I got ready .....then why it felt soo loong? I zoned out as bokkie had to wave his hands infront of me and pushed the breakfast towards me to have and that's what I did.

"Where are we going bokkie?" I asked as we went out of the hotel "Ok..there is a lot to see..but we will see what we can for today and when we come back here again we will do much more ok?" He asked looking into my eyes, his eyes are pretty doe like those brown or- "Hyunnie are you listening to me?" He waved his hand again and I had zoned out again what is wrong with me?  "Sure...let's do what we can" he nodded.

"Bokkie we have a car?" I asked as he started driving"We do but not here, I payed them extra to let me have the car" he answered me as he started driving"ohh... that's cool bokkie" i giggled and looked outside to see so many tall buildings and a little hot yet cold weather "Where are we bokkie?" "It's an art gallery hyunnie" he smiled and my eyes turned wide, "Art gallery woah, you got us to art gallery you are such a good husband bokkie" i shouted running out of the car towards the entrance "Hyunnie don't run away please, we came together let's just do it like that hm?" He told me before holding my hand, his hand was smaller than mine but he held it firm enough so i don't get lost.

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