Consummate 🔞

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TW: the  chapter is smut, vanilla, hyung kink and anyone uncomfortable with smut can choose not to read. Thank you.

Top - Felix
Bottom -Hyunjin


Hyunjin pov.

The kiss was soft, I could hear the band playing the romantic song I had always put in the car, it was my favourite song.

Bokkie's moved his lips against mine, the soft kiss was slowly getting heated, I could feel a hand holding my waist.

I moved my lips too, slowly our lips were tasting eachother's, Bokkie's lips captured my bottom lips sucking on it, I could feel the tongue gazing the lips while sucking, the feeling was different, new that i couldn't help but let out a sound at it, my hands fisted his shirt feeling embarassed at the way my knees were feeling weak, it was as if he was sucking in my energy while sucking my lips.


He bit my lips pushing his tongue inside, the hold on his shirt was stronger now, with a pull I was more close to him, the hold on my waist a little tight now, I love how it was going, the way his tongue was swirling inside my mouth, his teeth biting my plush lips, it felt great.

Slowly our lips moved away to breathe, he smiled at me, the smile so warm that it could melt ice bergs.

"Let's have dinner Hyunnie" He said softly as I nodded my head he leaned closer with his lips closed to my ears

"I want to have my dessert in our room"

He whispered softly making me blush, I don't know what he meant by it, but it was something sexual, it had something to do with us on the bed without our clothes....right?

"Enjoy the dinner love" the nickname I'm still not used to, probably I'll never be used to.

I kept stealing glances at him while having food, his face was calm and he was smiling sweetly, no hidden teases.

Are we not going to consummate our marriage today too? We even legalized our marriage.

Should I ask him to do it?

No he would think I'm naughty..but who doesn't do naughty stuff? Atleast with their husband?

I should have known better about this, then I would make him cave in than working on something else..

My poor efforts??

"What are you thinking love?" His deep voice broke my trance, as I looked up at him with a small smile

"Nothing" I answered and looked around the place, I couldn't help but feel my heart swell at such beautiful arrangement, the music still playing and I was still feeling butterflies.

"Are you done love?"

"Yes I'm"

He held my hand and we went towards our room, I could feel my heart pounding  loud with every step towards our room.

"Love, can you close your eyes again?"


"I still have a surprise planned for you"

I nodded closing my eyes, i heard the clicking of the door, cold wind blowing on my body, I shivered at it.

"Open your eyes love" I did and immediately gasped at the room.

The room was covered in scented candles, dark red Lilly and Roses bunch placed at different corners on the room, the bed was filled with white, blue and red flower petals, there was HF*  symbol made up of tulips in the middle of the bed and the most important was the window was clear glassed as I could see the winter dark blue sky filled with shiny white sparkling stars.

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