I'm sorry.

537 28 31

Third person pov.

"Is it true?"

The words resonating in hyunjin's mind, he just wants to get over with this, he feels exhausted from inside, he wants peace and nothing else.

So he said what gives him peace, he looked down with tears in eyes..


"Yes, it's true Bokkie. I have always loved you, even now and even tomorrow this whole life"

Hyunjin paused and looked up making eye contact with Felix

"I love you Bokkie"

"I really do, I lo-"

Felix had rushed on his feet and within no time Hyunjin's waist was in his hands, his hand was in hyunjin's hair and the lips sealed against each other

The tears falling down both the cheeks as their lips trembled, pushing hyunjin back until his legs hit the table and he leaned there, the lips were sealed

"I'm sorry Hyunnie, I'm sorry for everything I did, I promise to not make you cry...I'm sorry please forgive me"

Felix said in muffled voice separating their lips, as hyunjin let out a sob

"I'm sorry Bokkie, I could not tell I love you before.... because it's late, bec-because you hate me no-"


"I can never hate you love, I was so occupied and stressed that I didn't realise what I said, I love you Hyunnie, even when we were kids, even after we married, even when we fought, even today, even tomorrow, forever I'll always  love you"

Felix confessed with a smile as the tears never stopped

"You said you will divorce m-"

"I would never, I would rather die than getting separated from you"

Felix held hyunjin close, with his forehead on hyunjin's shoulder and hyunjin's hand were holding Felix's jacket, never wanting to let go

"Are we still not destined bokkie?" Hyunjin asked quietly as Felix shook his head

"If we were not destined then we wouldn't be here Hyunnie, we were always destined I was a foolish person to not realise it" Felix said kissing hyunjin's forehead and resting his forehead on his as hyunjin giggled

"I'm happy you accept your mistake, because...."

Hyunjin paused giving a sheepish smile making Felix curious who moved a little back and cupped hyunjin's cheeks to answer


Was all Hyunjin said with red cheeks and big smile, Felix's eyes travelled the other eye's direction as a gasp left his lips

"You found them? You found our wedding rings Hyunnie, when and how?" Felix asked with a huge smile as hyunjin giggled again

"A junior gave it to me, she said she found it falllen in dance class and it was looking pretty so she kept it but when the video of me fighting with a student for my wedding ring went popular, she realised it was mine and wanted to give it to me" Hyunjin finished with another giggle making Felix laugh

"Oh my god, why are you so adorable? I might actually eat you" Felix said making hyunjin gasp

"Felix that sounds so wrong, shut up" Hyunjin hit him making the other laugh

"You are really so adorable, my hyunnie" Felix said as hyunjin joined another phrase

"Your husband too"

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