Is it true?

491 31 18

Felix pov .

I didn't realise when the darkness spread in bright sky until I pressed shutdown on my laptop leaning on back on the chair, I sighed heavily, I just did the temporary arrangements while the meeting date is still not decided.

I know why I did that, like it was the only thought in my mind looking at the person, but the decision was already taken no going matter how much that person was important.

I walked out of the room to find it empty and dark, the darkness giving me chills as I slowly walked down towards the kitchen drinking water, As I was drinking water my eyes roamed around in the room to see where Hyunnie was? But I  didn't find him, slowly my mind tried to recall our last talk if he said he was meeting any friends.

"I'll surely find someone soo better for me you know, someone who treasures me and respects my dream"

"I freaking hate you Hyunjin get out of here"



"I'll help you by Divorcing Hyunjin"

As the memories filled my mind, the glass in my hand slipped off as I rushed up in our room, praying to find him there but he wasn't there, nor in bathroom nor anywhere, I could see my hands shivering when I was going to open our dressing cupboard and the reality took the floor under my legs making me fall on the marble floor with tears spilling

"I didn't mea-mean it Hy-Hyunnie, wh-why, did you go?" I cried my whole body was shivering I was crying at the memory of our fight, I was just pissed when he mentioned other person's name, I have always been there for him.but he never noticed. I said that because I was tired from my work, I didn't mean it...I didn't want him to leave me..*sob*


"Kka-kkami-ah, Hyunnie left me and went away...I didn't want to say that b-but He really pushed me to snap at hi-him...I did everything I could so he would stay by me.... b-but sti-still he left me after an argument.....
Probably I was never ever a good husband enough for him to stay right?."

All I could do was curl up on the cold floor and cry my eyes out for loosing the only person I always wanted to protect for loosing the one I love and loosing the only person who made me feel alive, who made me better.

It's morning already but I'm isolated in the room, hugging his bedsheets close in a dark room, I'm scared that if I open a single window his scent will leave the room, I want him close, his comforting natural scent, all I ever want is to not loose the presence of him in this home, the now cold four walls...

"I'm sorry Hyunnie I didn't mean anything, I just want you....even if you don't love me...even if you just want what  we had, just us friends back..I'll be anything you want just come back" I said to no one in particular letting the tears slide down my cheeks again..

Hyunjin pov.

It's morning already I didn't know how I slept here, putting the letter back in my cupboard I went to get freshed.

I was trying my best to smile and let go of Bokkie but how can I? The way he had always held me in his arms, the way he protects me is special...I can't forget it but every good thing comes to an end mine too....The more far I'm the more I realise how much comfortable he had made me feel why didn't I remember all of this yesterday? If I did then I would not have continued arguing with him and end up here, back where everything started.

"Jinnie come I made your favourite breakfast, let's have" My mom cheered she is happy I'm here, I smiled at her getting on my table and let her serve me.

"Marry Me, I'll treat you right"-HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now