Are you hiding something?

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(hey I wanted to clear that hyunlix are in University where their course would  be of 4 years with all internship and they finished their 2 years more 2 left just like their marriage timeline for making it official)

Third person pov.

Hyunjin was the first one to wake up rubbing his eyes and groaning at the weight on him, he tried to push the body away from him but the hold was damn tight groaning and wailing in annoyance he woke the other "Shut up and sleep hyunnie, I'm tired" "Who stopped? you have your beauty sleep but let me goooo~~~"
"You have your class late like me, then is your interview so just shut up"
"I don't want to be late movvvee" hyunjin cried out loud it's still early in morning and felix is already getting on his nerves
"The sun didn't tell hi* to his sunshine so sleep" "Fuck you..." Hyunjin mumbled angrily he wanted to get ready fast today but it will be the same I guess "Do you even know how to?"   And that stopped all the grumbling as he quit speaking "Thought so..." Felix smirked in victory cuddling more closer. Felix was just a cuddle bug and hyunjin's natural scent makes him more comfortable so he pulls him close every given chance and hyunjin avoids that every  chance, he is *not a skinship boy* but somehow gives in whenever felix pulls him *bestfriend privileges I guess*. Hyunjin did end up sleeping back.

This time felix woke up first saw time, it was still a little early but hyunjin wanted to get up early, giving it a thought felix got down the bed opening the curtains letting the early  morning first sunshine rays in the room. He woke hyunjin "Hyunnie wake up " and hyunjin slept like a dead fish with no care to world.
Felix pulled out the woolen blanket  turning the a.c to max, opening the windows wide letting the morning fresh cool air in  room...."Let's see how you will not wake up" felix giggled before heading to kitchen closing the door not forgetting to turn off the heater before.

After 10 min hyunjin felt the cool air hitting his skin, sprawling around the bed he tried to find his woolen blanket, he put himself in foetus posture back facing the window but the a.c's cool air hit his face making him shiver and within in no time he was wide awake shivering in cold rushing to washroom and when he came out all his sleep went out of window as certain someone switched off the heater making everything too cold to sleep.

Grumbling to his misfortune hyunjin went down the stairs only to find a happy looking Felix cooking something, it's smell brightening his mood.
"Goodmorning hyunnie, i suggest you to take a bath as it will still take some time for breakfast".
Nodding his head hyunjin went back to their room, striped his clothes and stood under the shower "Ahh .shit" hyunjin shouted loudly scaring felix who rushed up and opened the bathroom door only to close it back 'fuck my kinky brain for thinking about shower sex...calm down lix we practiced for this' felix told himself opening the door again "What happened hyunnie? Why did you shout like that?"
"It's all because of you who the fuck switches off the heater?" Hyunjin screamed angrily "Ohh...wait you knew the heater was off when you brushed your teeth right?"
"Yeah I knew it but.."
"Exactly don't blame me for your dumbness my dumb dumpling"
"I'm not dumb okay.."
"Like i believe, tell it to the walls probably they would also disagree as they know you  for months".
"Yahh...bokkie stop it" felix laughed at hyunjin's frustration closing the door switching the heater on the way back to kitchen. Lucky him the food was still good so he switched off the gas took the hot pot to their dining table, writing a note
*Have the food if you reach first, I'm going to take bath in other room my dumb dumpling :)*

Hyunjin did end up coming first, read the note only to crumble it down and throw it mumbling 'im not his dumb dumpling '
Hyunjin served himself the hot food felix cooked complimenting the good taste, it was perfect 'hot and spicy soup dumplings' in the cold morning.

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