Be my manager please...

925 40 37

Felix pov.

I'm standing out of the restaurant looking at a specific someone who could not keep their damn hands to themselves, and for someone who doesn't like skinship why is he laughing and smiling like that. The grip on umbrella tightened, i did not realise until it's clip dug into my skin bringing out of my trance. I shook my head and went into the restaurant.

"Hey hyunnie ready to go?" Felix asked with a gritted teeth smile.
"Hii bokkie, meet my client he is really good" hyunjin chimmed with happiness "Hi Mr.Kim, Lee Felix.. Hwang Hyunjin's husband"  felix extended his hand for greet which was received but the hold was unnecessarily very tight and firm.
"You both are really married?" asked once they released their hands to which both of them nodded and he just shook his head mumbling 'kids these days '.
"Bokkie, can we go home now?" "Sure.." held hyunjin's hand squeezing it, smiling warmly patting hyunjin's back and ruffling his hair.... hyunjin blushed at the gesture and felix didn't like it a bit
"I'll get my things just a minute" "Sure hyunnie".
With that hyunjin left the both males together.

"It's raining quite heavy right" felix sighed heavily "Yeah it is though" "How are you going back"
"Ohh I have to take the Subway"
"So you will wait until it stops raining?" "Yeah" he answered chuckling in embarrassment. "It would be great if you got a ride, don't ya think?"
"Yeah it would be but...who is gonna give a ride?" "I have a car though"
" don't have to bother I'll manage he replied hoping to be asked again but ..."why would I be bothered for you...I have a date with my husband" felix smirked evilly "oh..I just.." the male turned down but felix was not satisfied
"I could ask my friend or drop you myself..." the man's eyes turned hopeful "only if you had accepted my marriage at first or kept those hands to yourself" felix stated coldly, his expression stern making the man gasp.."I..."
"Bokkie shall we go.." "Yes hyunnie "
"Wait how will you go back ?"
"Ohh, he told me he can manage anyhow cab is always an option don't you agree" the man could only nod his head and felix held his hyunnie's hand and got out of the restaurant holding the umbrella up for them. The man realised that they are actually married as he saw their couple rings on their hands, as well the way felix was carrying hyunjin's bag and holding umbrella while hyunjin was telling him about something all smiling, he just chuckled realising he should not have messed when he got a clear warning through handshake.

In car.

"You are going to tell me anything or i should wait till we go home?" Felix asked wanting to know why hyunjin had lied to him about the interview or the client.
"I'm hungry...can we first get some food then we will talk" hyunjin answered nervously...
Felix just hummed in reply taking a turn to restaurant.

At the dining table.

Felix stopped asking about anything, letting hyunjin tell whenever he wanted.
He ordered the food for both paid with hyunjin's money who still doesn't know that he was just robbed.
Felix served food for both of them and started to have food before telling "tell me whenever you want I'll listen or never at all..".
After around 30min was playing with food hyunjin decided to talk.
"Don't think I'm dumb okay but when I started this i thought it will not be that great but now that it is...I don't know how to handle it so help me please..." Hyunjin spoke looking down.
"First thing you are my dumb dumpling and nothing can change it as for other thing I'll help you with anything just tell me what you did hmm...Im here okay". Felix spoke while giving a comforting smile and it was true he doesn't know but he would actually do anything for hyunjin....after he is his first in everything.
Hyunjin ignored the insult of dumb and continued " I opened a anonymous page of Instagram sharing my designs and open to all orders...till now it was all about organising so I did it through online sending the images for planning or things to be put as decor but i recently got a big deal and i don't know what to do about it "
"You have your own page dumpling, woah that's so lovely, I'm with you in it what help you need" felix was proud of hyunjin's achievement and suddenly he wanted to pay for the food as an encouragement but it's too late.
"Be my manager please..its a deal where i have to go to an another country for the details, they want to make a contract with me for their new company and i don't know if it's real or scam or anything with company, it's deals and are the only one i can trust please look after me i don't want to mess up my big opportunity" hyunjin finally looked into felix's eyes.
"I'll do it... anything for you. You achieved so much by yourself I can atleast do that much, show me their messages and documents which they shared till now and we will go to that country together on weekend and make amendments if everything is ok...Until that time I'll look into them for any loopholes from here okay?"
"Thank you so much bokkie...I knew i always had you to support me "
"But... hyunnie you did not tell why you met the guy today?" And felix is still stuck onto the boy who ruffled his dumpling's hair making him blush.
"Oh he is actually an operator for them from here, he is the one who gave me documents,he came from there to make contract with him but I told I need time and i would see everything from my eyes before signing anything " hyunjin said proudly.."That's so good my dumpling finally wants to use his brain " " are such a meanie" hyunjin pouted.  "I can be more mean, if I could see you beg for me.." felix smirked.
"Why would I beg for you idiot..." hyunjin exclaimed glaring to felix making the latter chuckle and murmur a small 'my innocent dumpling '.

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