I have a Charm?

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Third person pov.

Felix enters home stumbling "My head hurts like shit...ahh." he screamed drinking a glass of water walking towards the couch and plopping down on it "Shit...he got so strong" he mumbled cursing at the punches..... slowly without his knowledge he closed his eyes drifting to sleep completely unaware of someone crying their eyes out for him......

After 5 hours...( 10  p.m)

Felix woke up groaning slightly and frowned at the dark room "Hyunnie" he called out loud but there was no response.

Felix got up slightly lightheaded walking into his room but found no one, he searched the whole home calling for him but he didn't find him..
"Don't tell me he skipped coming home, because of that new friend..ahh" he groaned pulling out his mobile to call him.

"Pick up....pick up...hmm..is phone is switched off" he frowned Calling Jisung.

On call.

"Ji, hyunnie is with you?"

"No lix, why?"

"Do you know where he is? Atleast tell me he went with that seungmin guy after practice"

"Oh..no, seungmin left with me to subway along with innie, he went to parking arena after practice...I guess he went by his vehicle"

Felix blinked his eyes for sometime to register the information and when he did  "Ji, I'll talk to you later..bye" Felix cut the call, took his car keys and rushed out.

During the whole ride he was scared, he was scared for hyunjin, it was really dark "Fuck~" how could he just fall asleep like that.

Felix honked near the parking arena, calling his name to see if hyunjin was there or not, he have to go to other places, he honked for couple of minutes but didn't hear a sound, so he moved his car from there. He got back on the road, to find him somewhere else but his heart gave him an uneasy feeling "Ahh...what is wrong with me? It will be ate if I keep going back and forth.. shit" he cursed under his breath going back to the parking arena.

"Hyunnie..you are in here" felix shouted but no one responded, it was all dark his phone torch was not enough he went back to the car and faced its headlights inside the dark arena and he really was pissed when he saw hyunjin wide awake, right infront of him but giving him no response..his anger reaching his head 'Woah..he really is high on this shit." Felix thought before cooling himself and walking close to the boy squatting down, who still looked the other side, his eyes red and swollen, his tear stained cheeks and still some tears threatening to fall.

Felix put his hand on hyunjin's head but hyunjin pushed it away, felix tried to pull him in hug but hyunjin was not into it, he kept moving back pouting big, lightly puffing his cheeks to not cry..he don't want to cry,he stopped crying long back, he didn't want to buy Felix is just as stubborn as him so he just sighed picking  him from the ground.
Hyunjin didn't look towards Felix,he was not even holding him while felix was carrying him to the car.  Felix put him in car closing the door "Hyunnie baby, listen to me... what's wrong? why are you like this?" Felix asked but hyunjin still didn't respond, felix gave in before cupping hyunjin's cheeks
"Sorry, bokkie is so sorry to forget you here hmm.. really sorry hyunnie, pleaseee talk to me hmm, I don't like the silent treatment" felix apologized in the soft and hurt tone, controlling the urge to cry because literally hyunjin looked so badly hurt and it was because of him
"Why didn't you come early?" Hyunjin asked in quiet voice as felix just put their foreheads together "I just slept after going home and just woke up to realise that my bestfriend, my hyunnie was missing so I came here.. bokkie is sorry" Felix apologized again,as hyunjin allowed himself to melt in the warm hug "It wasn't that hard, was it?" Hyunjin asked lightly as felix tightened the hug whispering "Hmm..wasn't easy want to bite me for it?" Felix asked ready to take up the pain if hyunjin would stop sulking and being quiet....and.... hyunjin liked the offer as he just did a little giggle before biting on the exposed skin until he was satisfied while felix just endured the pain, it was really painful.

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