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Hyunjin pov.

"Are you hurt?"

If you all are wondering he was asking about the session from morning then you  are wrong we had sex again last night, well in his car after coming back from the grandma's house.

It surprisingly doesn't hurt much, just makes me limp a little, what I'm concerned is about the whole hickeys covered neck, I know it's not bad if your husband gives it but still it's a lot.

"You didn't answer love? Do you want me to carry you?"

I finally broke out of my thoughts denying it

"I'm fine was just thinking about the marks, your mom won't scold me?"

"She won't, calm down" He held my hand and squeezed it limping a little walking

"You don't look well, I'm sorry"


"Bokkie I can walk"

"It's ok, I'll carry my husband"

He kissed my forehead walking towards the airport, we are to Seoul and tomorrow we will meet our parents for dinner.

As I was keeping my bags, my eyes trailed to the frame with a daisy flower, it was dry but still beautiful. I always wonder why it's hanging in the middle of our hall, probably because Daisy is our flower?

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, just a little tired, I want to sleep"

"Sure come here"

"Ahhh... bokkie, stop hahaha" I was in his arms a second ago and now I'm laying on the bed laughing because of his tickles

",stop ple-ase" I asked softly as he finally let go of me and looked into my eyes

The look tells he is needy are we going for another round? I don't mind though? Do i ?

"Shall we sleep?"

"You don't want to go again?" I asked tilting my head as he laughed a little shaking his head

"No not today" with that he was behinde, spooning me to sleep and I don't think so i took a lot of time before sleeping in his arms, which always felt safe, warm and 


"Love? Do you want to get up?" I could here his morning deep voice making me chuckle, I whined getting in covers, he chuckled leaning towards my ears, his breath is fanning my ears making me shiver

"I'll get some breakfast for us and then we can arrange things for both of our parents ok?"



A soft kiss on my forehead before I was left alone in the bed, he is soo sweet, my husband.

I was smiling to myself remembering about all the moments between was such a beautiful memory that it pulled me to sleep again.

Third person pov.

After an hour Felix bought breakfast for his husband


(A/n : why is the urge to put hyunjin for death because of all the happiness is recieved is high? I suddenly want him to die with a smile...what is wrong with me?)

"Hyunnie?" Felix called out softly, his heart beating rapidly the way hyunjin was lying unmoving

Tears collected in his eyes as he tried to shake the person awake

"Marry Me, I'll treat you right"-HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now