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Third person pov.

Hyunjin was taking heavy steps towards Felix's block, his head hurt from all the screams and constant nagging of students about him and his husband.
Hyunjin always gets sensitive to his senses when he feels unwell and that's what was happening now...he quietly wanted to go home but he also wanted to tell his husband... inform him, get his little care and funny teases..he will feel better, a smile plastered on the face at the thought of Felix loving him...he still didn't confront about the confession...was it even true or it was for fun? He was just thinking about how good Felix treats him... Felix does love hyunjin doesn't he? He giggled at the thought...

"Ahhhh.......mmmhh...~mmmhh" Hyunjin was attacked from back as a hand muffled his screams as they pulled the boy towards music room..

Hyunjin pov.

I struggled to get out of the grip but they just held me tight, my headache was increasing by their actions

"Ahh.." I groaned in pain to see a group of girls and boys seeing me with that peirecing gaze,I shivered but I wanted to fight...who the heck do they think they are to treat me me like this..bitch ass people..

"What the heck bitches, did someone steal your chicken or what?" I smirked at them taunting as they got red in embarrassment? Probably yes or probably not..

"What did you tell idiot?" One of them kicked my stomach making me groan in hurt soo bad due to how weak i was feeling...

"What you heard...are you deaf now?" I barked back kicking his leg off me as I stood up glaring at each one of them

"What? Wanna see what I can do?" I asked in a sweet voice kicking the fallen boy in the face as he screamed in pain, and then his stomach followed by me stomping his injured leg where I hit first as he painfully screamed making me laugh...

"Did that hurt your poor ass baby?" I asked before kicking him off and looked into the fearful eyes of everyone

"Don't mess with me bitches" I spoke walking out, if I was feeling good then I would have given a better answer...

As I was walking down the stairs I felt something little hard collide with head as I slipped off the stairs twisting my leg..."Ahhh.."

"Should have thought before" one of them said, i have a blurred vision as head hurt more than before as tears fell out my eyes as they started kicking me and hitting again.. it hurt a lot...I just wanted to sob out loud and cry but didn't...I'm not going to feed their ego by crying...

My body was aching as my head couldn't think properly as I getting dragged somewhere...

"Ahhh.." I screamed when my back hit the wall a washroom stall...

"Stay here and rot you piece of shit" They screamed locking the door and it was dark...why is it dark... Im scared of dark...

"Ahhh..." Im now drenching in dirty water which they threw on me last before going out ...and Im still looking down on the dirty tile floor..

"I'm sca-scared of dark... ple-please open the d-door...There is so-someone in.. pl-ea-se" I voiced out after some time.. probably long as I heard the bell but no one came, it started to get darker as my sickness increased.... curling up in corner hugging my knees tears fell from eyes but still holding back painful sobs as I whispered...."Bokkie find me please...Please... I'm sca-scared of remember right?" I was mumbling without realising when the tiredness took over and I passed out because next time I woke up was to a broken door.....

Felix pov.

I was looking at kkami thinking of where could he go when he was sick..and then it flashed me.

"Marry Me, I'll treat you right"-HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now