stay away from him

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Felix pov.

"You know, soobin hyung wanted to ask you out" I told him, as we were going home in our car "Me? Why though?" "I don't know, probably a dumb person needed an another dumb partner" I joked "Yahh...I'm literally the most prettiest and passionate person okay"
"Who denied it ? I was talking about your dumbness" i replied to him. He kept quiet for some time confusing me "what happened?" "You think I'm pretty and passionate?"   "Hmm..when did I tell?" "Just now you admitted to my beauty"
"You are dreaming hyunnie, anyway do you think soobin hyung and Yeonjun hyung can be a good couple "
"I think they can be, Yeonjun hyung literally give heart eyes to soobin hyung" hyunnie spoke dreamily.
"You know what heart eyes mean?"
"Ofcourse I know, even I watch romantic dramas bokkie" he smirked at me.
"Ahh...a romantic drama where the leads have heated moment of simply stripping off the shirt, you close it...that type.." I teased him " you are mean bokkie, you know i get nervous and scared seeing those stuff, yet you tease.." he pouted cutely why should he pout every single time "i know, i was simply pulling your leg don't worry..."

The next day.

I cooked breakfast for both of us and just like every day we ate alone most of time.
Once we finished, i asked him the files of his client, which we didn't see..
"Hyunnie the requirements and some cost expenses are weird"
"What is it?"
"Did you agree to do painting?"
"Hmm yeah I did, their meeting hall wall"   "You are going to buy the paint articles?" I asked him again to which he rejected "They told I will be provided with supplies"  "But hyunnie they didn't mention about the supplies for you nor the specific place of painting..they just mentioned painting "   "Noo bokkie they told they would provide it for me, here see this message they mentioned clearly that they just need me and rest they will handle " "Okay then...I'll circle it up, we will discuss about it before signing" he nodded in agreement.

Just like that we looked into many more things and from my source i learnt it's a startup company... hyunnie should not expect a lot from them.
"Which country you mentioned?" "Australia it is and Sydney is where our stay is"

I settled with finding hotels near to their startup company and hyunjin is sitting beside me, doing some designs for them.
"Hyunnie you need a pool in hotel?" "Yes very much...I want to swim in it" "You are going for a business meeting not your trip "
  "Then why would you ask and I'm also very tired with uni, I need relaxation also we can go to so many different places to visit what do you think?"
"Again hyunnie it's not a holiday or any special time both our birthdays are done"
"But we we didn't go to our honeymoon right why don't we do it now" he smirked at me, as if he won the argument.... does he realise what he said, ahh...fuck these horny thoughts swirling in my mind involving him, why isn't the training any use now...stoppp... why you leaning now..."I'll take that as a yes Lee" he whispered before taking the laptop and booking the damn expensive hotel fuck.." hyunnie give my laptop back" "nope give me your card bokkie"
"Hyunnie laptop now" i pulled the laptop back but he also came with it which was unexpected...I'm now under him and he is smirking, leaning forward "why don't you listen to your hyung bokkie" fuck that word, I lost it and threw the damn laptop on the pillow holding his waist and turning him down,under me like I want it, like i love it....I leaned down his shocked face, a *gasp* leaving his mouth, as i kept the eye contact and leaned my lips touching his now pink cheeks and ears "Don't forget who is incharge hyung.." i pressed my lips on the ear, and looking back in his eyes which are now dilated cheeks are red, i smirked "A honeymoon it is right hyunnie, like this for 5days trip which you put...I like it" I bent down caressing his burning cheeks  "I like when you are like this, all cute and blushy under me, because of me, for me...." I liked the effect I had on him and it took a lot of effort to not kiss those pillow lips....I'm going insane..

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