What is wrong with you?

535 26 33

Third person pov.

Felix was fuming when he went to university and met his friends.

"Oh lix, you didn't meet him yesterday right, he is Jeongin, Yang Jeongin he is musical arts student han's junior" Chan introduced as felix gave the best smile he could from the pissed off mood "You look so cute, I hope we will get along well" Felix said as the boy nodded giving a toothy smile. "Well there is an another one, Kim Seungmin, but he will come a little late" jeongin said politely as the name caught felix's attention. "Seungmin? He doesn't know how to come here right, why did you leave him out?" Felix asked with confusion written on face as the latter nodded continuing. "I know, but he asked me to go first and he will come later on his own, let's say he has someone to get him" he smirked and felix didn't understand now who was lying hyunjin who purposely skipped their breakfast together to pickup the so called new friend or Seungmin was lying about not knowing the way...either of the answer didn't please felix the slightest.

Felix was sitting in his classroom, fiddling with his couple ring thinking why did hyunjin lie? Why is he purposely avoiding him?  "Hey lix, long time no see bro" Mark shouted wrapping his hand round the neck almost choking him "Yah..leave me" felix struggled as Mark laughed "Where were you?" Mark asked releasing felix "Oh I was on my honeymoon trip why?"  "Nice joke hah" mark laughed "It was not though" felix remarked "Anyways forget it, there is a new girl and she is so damn sexy" Mark said as felix just stared out of the window when his phone pinged

Bokkie I'm lost I don't know how to come back.
Help please......

I thought you were not a child...
Send location

*Location sent*
I know it's just that....please come fast, seungmin is looking scared, I mean yeah..that's it...i don't want to look bad..hehe

Fuck you...I'm not coming

*To Channie hyung

Hyung I need a favour, can you go pick a clueless dump dumpling and seungmin.
*Location forwarded*
I'm in class I can't miss it.

-Channie hyung...
Sure lix, don't worry.

Hyung a favour, please let Seungmin know how much dumb dumpling is hyunnie.

-Channie hyung...
You so evil lix, still I'll do it.

Back to class....
"See there she is" Mark pointed out "You would look really good with her" "You really thought I was joking when I told I was on honeymoon trip?" Felix asked and Mark nodded his head.
Felix took out his book to take down the notes when he felt eyes on him, he looked up to see an actually very sexy beautiful girl looking at him with a sweet smile, he tucked her hair strands back of her ear slightly leaning forward she winked at Felix, whose little daze on her was broken..he looked down in embarrassment and looked up to see the girl giggling, he also laughed slightly locking eyes with her "That's whom I was talking about Errie James, she is a talented scholar. She returned from New York a month ago her father is a damn big business man and she wants to help her father in the company...so she is here to learn more" Mark whispered in Felix's ears as the latter hummed in response liking the fact that the girl has a goal in life and was working for it like him...

The classes ended and it was time for lunch..
-Channie hyung..
Lix when will you join us for lunch..it's been a long time.

Hyung I'm busy, I'll see you in football ground.

-Channie hyung..
Ok lix ...
Take care, have something instead of starving.

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