NOO.. Please...

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Third person pov.

"Hyunnie, I thought you would never drink?" Felix asked having the boy in his lap in their bedroom,.as hyunjin pouted

"I didn't mean know..I was pissed..the audacity..of her" Hyunjin growled at the end which had Felix raise his eyebrows, he pulled Hyunjin more close to him

"Pissed about what hyunnie? Who's audacity?" Felix asked in a teasy smirk which had Hyunjin frown bigger as he cupped Felix's cheeks

"She was touching YOU, how dare sheee...that bitch.." Hyunjin shouted surprising the other

"So you were jealous?" Felix asked smiling tightening the hold on the other as hyunjin nodded his head
"Ofcourse..I was jealous..that ugly leech.." he mumbled as Felix laughed loudly confusing the other,
Felix pulled out his mobile to record the video..he doesn't wants to miss this why not

"Hyunnie repeat please..were you jealous of Errie touching me?" Felix asked turning on the video as hyunjin smirked

"I'll answer the question..if I get something in return"
"And what that must be?" Felix asked

"A kissss......*puckering lips*" hyunjin leaned forward and Felix went for it,. kissing him softly on the lips tasting the bitter soju on the tongue, the lips collided for a messy kiss that a string of saliva connected their lips when they separated

"Satisfied answer" Felix asked placing some kisses on the neck, yes the phone was still in his hands as the recording went on...with everything obviously it was not clear but it was fine enough to recognise their moans and groans..

"Another one please" hyunjin pouted as Felix realised his husband was just as much horny as him when drunk

"First answer"

"Ok..I was jealous of that Errie leech all over you..." Hyunjin admitted as he went for another kiss, with their teeths colliding, Felix just threw his mobile closing the app, before he had Hyunjin under him

"Why were you soo jealous hyunnie?" Felix asked with an inch gap between them as hyunjin giggled

"Obviously IM THE HYUNG... ofcourse i should protect you from leeches like her...." Should the answer make Felix heart shatter or horny at the mention of hyung* and not husband or lover...

Felix ignored the inner turmoil as he leaned to place more deepened kiss and this time when Felix moved away hyunjin fell asleep under him as Felix's eyes tried to get glossy...but he ignored it hugging hyunjin and inhaling his scent to  calm himself slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Hmmm...shi-t hurts so bad" hyunjin cried at his hangover pain, but this time the grim reaper husband was not there to scare him which confused him as he stumbled his way down towards the kitchen to find Felix feeding kkami, awee they looked soo one would believe Felix was against getting kkami.

He walked towards the two petting kkami's hair who snuggled in his hand for some time before scooting away...typical kkami.

"My head hurts" hyunjin said placing his head on the latter's shoulder who simply hummed making hyunjin whine...

" are not going to talk again?" Hyunjin asked with a leaping heart as Felix shrugged his shoulders getting up. With hyunjin following behind.

"Here I made hangover soup, have it" Felix placed the bowl of soup on the table before walking into his room as hyunjin's eyes was on the verge of waterfall, without arguing he ate the soup and calmed his headache.

Once he was done he tiptoed back to the room to see Felix working on his papers
"Bokkie?" He called out quietly getting an  hum in return

"Aren't we going to uni today....i mean it's pretty late"
"I'm not going to uni, don't want to be swarmed by fanboys and fangirls if you want you can go..I'm not stopping never listen to me anyway" Felix said looking at his laptop as hyunjin moved more closer to the boy but Felix ignored him

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