Deja vu 🔞

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A/n : The chapter has smut in it, unlike my last chapter this is not soft it's a little rough and overstimulation.
Anyone uncomfortable with smut or the smut I write, can choose not to read.
Thank you.

Top - Felix
Bottom -Hyunjin


Third person pov.

After hyunjin's request for another round, Felix didn't hesitate to pleasure Hyunjin just like he asked, their session definitely didn't end there going for two more rounds until Hyunjin whined telling it hurts now, not that much but it's starting to hurt. Felix immediately pulled out and hugged his husband whispering how well he did, hyunjin blushed at the compliments hugging Felix back they stayed like that for a few more minutes before getting into their bubbles filled bathtub.

"Do you feel sore Hyunnie? Does it hurt a lot?" Felix asked in concerned voice kissing the forehead as hyunjin shook his head

"Not that much just a little, by the way it feels weird now that my hole is empty" Hyunjin giggled with twinkling eyes making Felix laugh

"It will just for now, if it hurts a lot tell me, I have analgesic cream for it" Felix said petting the hair and Hyunjin snuggled closer in Felix's arms closing his eyes

"Bokkie?" He called softly receiving a hum in return

"I love everything we did today, I love our night and want to have more nights like this in future" He said looking into Felix's eyes with his droopy one

"Thank you so much love, I'll make more special nights for us"

They looked in eachother's eyes smiling before they leaned to kiss softly

"I love you" were the words Hyunjin said before he dell asleep

"I love you Hyunnie" Felix kissed the forehead taking him out of the water and putting on some comfortable clothes before getting under the covers

Afternoon....(They are tired enough...soo let them wake up late).

"Baby?" Felix pouted seeing the side of his bed empty, he stumbled getting on his feet and walking inside the bathroom

He was washing his face when the curtains moved off


"Hmm... Hyunnie?" Felix looked at the boy infront of him in wet hair, with his oversized shirt hanging loosely on the body, there were no pants as he could see the soft thighs, there were definitely his finger print marks from last night, the sight soo alluring that he wanted to devour his husband again

Hyunjin was standing there with wide eyes, Felix didn't have any shirt on, his weakness the defined abs* were full on display, the messy hair and he could see his nails scratches on Felix's back through the mirror, he was getting weak on his knees at the sight.

It felt like Deja vu, to be caught again in the same way as the first time but there was a difference, they could voice their desires and needs for each other now.....well that's what Felix did.

"Ahh..." Hyunjin yelped when Felix lifted him of the ground and placed him on the cold marble countertop getting between his legs

"On a scale of 1 - 10 how bad does your body hurt or anything hurts from last night?" Felix asked seriously as hyunjin stared at him answering honestly

"Answer is 0, because you were so cautious about everything, I'm not hurt anymore, the last night's weird feeling also vanished"

"How would you feel if I said I want to have bathroom sex?"

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