Marry me: I'll treat you right -Felix

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A/n :  one of my favourite chapter...I hope you all like it too....

Third person pov.

Felix put Hyunjin on the counter top as he stood between his legs


"I'm going to help you bath love, just bath" Felix smiled kissing the lips softly.

"Ok" Hyunjin answered in timid voice looking up at Felix to continue.

"I'll take your clothes off love? Or you want to do it by yourself?"

"You do it" Hyunjin said with his soft pink cheeks as Felix nodded before helping him remove the clothes.

Felix lifted hyunjin off the counter and placed in the bathtub with warm water and bubbles. He sat outside the bathtub as he helped hyunjin relax.

Kissing the lips, shoulders and the adorable face, Felix gave a tired hyunjin a bath and then took a bath himself.

"Are you ready to go?" Felix asked Hyunjin who nodded before joining their hands and took all the necessary documents leaving for Mr.Kim's company.

The ride to the place was silent, it was peaceful and full of warmth. Holding eachother's hands as Felix drove to their destination and Hyunjin connected his Bluetooth playing his favourite romantic songs.

"Mr.Kim, How are you?" Hyunjin was the first to ask

"I'm fine Hyunjin-ssi, please come and show your talent while I talk to your manager" Mr.Kim said with a smile as Hyunjin nodded and left for completing his designs and also solve the interior designing problems before the inspection starts.

"Mr.Lee How have you been"

"I'm all good Mr.Kim can we discuss about the contract with it's new addition and renewal?" Felix asked with a smile as the other nodded


Mr.Kim guided through the glass doors as they sat and started discussing about everything.

Slowly with enough considerations and talk, they could finally negotiate.

"Mr.Lee would you like to suggest, how can I have everything settled down here maintaining 2 months records when the inspection would take place?"  Mr Kim asked in a worried tone as Felix nodded

"I think I'll be able to, Hyunnie-I mean Mr.Hwang would be done with their work in next 5 days, a part of the company is already furnished enough so I think you can start the superficial work, that will give you records of more that 2 months of working and keeping. Don't get all your employees as you still didn't get approval but you can start working with your co-partners. That should do i guess?"
Felix asked as gave a very big smile sighing in relief

"You should be our company's advisor Mr.Lee, It would sure do because You are amazing " said

"That's so nice of you but I'm already having my start up company, thanks for the compliment though" Felix did a handshake and nodded

"You would be a great business man Mr.Lee"

"Thank you".

"Well...Mr.Kim can I get a little favour from you?" Felix asked with a soft smile

"Yes, anything for you. You helped me a lot"

"Then can I get the hotel's restaurant area for myself after 5 days?" Felix asked hesitantly

"Sure you can, I'll vacate the place and let you customise it as per your desire that night. Is it ok?"

"That would do. Thank you soo much Mr.Kim" Felix thanked as the other nodded

"Marry Me, I'll treat you right"-HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now