Repeat yourself.

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Hyunjin pov.

"Bokkie?" I mumbled out getting up from sleep but he was no where around
"Where did he go?" I asked myself getting up from the bed but found a note on table beside me.

*For- Hyunnie

If you woke up before me coming in, then heat up the soup I prepared for you and take your medicines.
Enjoy your time with kkami or anything you want to, I have a little work I'll try to come fast...

Take care don't overwork.

Your husband - Bokkie.*

Awe "wht is he soo cute" I smiled feeling my cheeks heat up, my bandage was changed and my leg was better now...

I slowly walked down the stairs to heat up the soup and drink it.

"Woah...he really cooks soo well" I exhaled out loud, as the flavours of the delicious soup had me in trance...I almost finished the whole pot but remembered what if Felix didn't eat? Or he comes back being hungry? Soo, I saved him some.

I found kkami playing with the toys we got it last time. I also nestled around him to join his play as I clicked and recorded cute videos of the fluff ball.

Meanwhile with Felix.

"Hyung you got everything ready?" Felix asked heading towards the dorms

"Yup lix but what are you going to do?" Chan and Changbin asked with a little concern

"Something very interesting well are they there?" He asked taking his equipment*

"Yup, well how did you suddenly think of  being social service?" Changbin asked

"Well..they should not have messed with my husband in the first place.." Felix said as he cut the call standing oh soo close to the bullies.

"Excuse me" Felix called in a soft voice to the boy who was bullying an innocent holding his collar and squeezing his shoulders as the innocent was crying to let go but they just laughed at him calling pathetic.

"Excuse me?" Felix called again in a little more serious voice as the boy tched turning to ask "What th-'"

Felix hit the boy in the face by a baseball bat knocking him to ground in a single shot, soon it was a whole big fight, where Felix hit the shit out of them all by his baseball bat, kicking them in stomach, pulling them by their hair, Felix made a pile of the six bullies in the middle of the dorm, who were bleeding and had bruises all over.

"" Felix said with a mischievous smile as all the bullies looked at him with pleady confusing eyes...


Buckets of dirty water were thrown at them from every room by every single student one after one making them suffocate in the stinky odour, when it was done Felix leaned down to their eye level

"Don't mess with my husband or else it will not end well I swear" Felix said through gritted teeth making them shiver in their place... smiling sinisterly Felix leaned close whispering

"Enjoy the taste of your medicine bullies"

When Felix moved away from the pile soon a whole crowd of students whom they once bullied to whom they still bully had surrounded them as they took turns beating every single one of them as Felix, Chan and Changbin made sure that the bullies won't fight back....

It wasn't done until every abused student was tired, until they thought just a little more and they will die, until they pitied their pathetic condition...

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