Never Returned

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Hyunjin pov.

I'm on couch from last night, my head spinning with the amount of tears I had shed, the things I had forgotten and dumped inside my heart are resurfaced.

I love Bokkie but I never told him, never told until it was too late,


Come back home please, Im sorry bokkie
I didn't mean to be ignorant
Bokkie please come back .

11:40 p.m

He still didn't see the message, my heart clenching in an unbearable pain.

*Bark* *Bark*


I called out the fluff ball who was nuzzling near my leg, as I scooped him up in my arms hiding in his fur as eyes stung again

"Kk-kkami bokkie still didn't come back" I whispered slowly,

"Haha..stop" his face nuzzling near me making me laugh, as i pet his head, I could only think of Felix

"I miss him kkami-ah"

I don't know how the day went, it's already night again and I'm still in yesterday's sweaty clothes, curled up on the couch staring at the front door, hoping it will open soon and I'll see my bokkie again..

But he Never Returned, nor that day, nor today nor the day after nor ever ...

It was Monday again, I'm not in my best state, the home is cold without him, things are difficult without him it hurts a lot, deeply in my heart there is a strong cut, a cut by his actions...I should be the one angry at him but he is the one ignoring me and my texts..there is not even a single hour where I haven't texted him, asking him if he was good? Or when will he come back?

He didn't respond, he didn't even see my text

*Sob* *sob*

"Bok-ie come back" my knees gave out as I'm on the ground again, My tears covering my face again, a blur mask  cascading my whole vision, my whole body hurt in his longing..

Probably I'm really dumb to let him go like that

"Why di-dint you tell Yo-you lov-love him Pabo...Dumb Hyunjin, you lo-lost him" I cursed myself for my own stupidity...

I pulled myself together as I'm now inside the university campus.

"Jim, what's wrong why are you like that?" Jisung asked me

"Nothing, I'm not too well" I answered closing my eyes with my head down, his fingers brushing inside my hair strands calming me slowly

"Just rest ok? I'll call lix if he can help you" the mention of his name excited me but I shook my head giving a smile

"I'm not that bad, just a little headache I'll be good don't bother him"

"Then do you want me get you something to eat? Some rice cakes will be good don't you think?" I nodded my head holding his hand for comfort, and i didn't realise when I dozed off...

"Jin wake up, eat this I'll entertain you with my crush's story so you don't feel bored, would you like it?" He asked me with a smile as I nodded my head, my head leaning on his shoulder as he patted my head and Started his one side love story about Minho amazed me how he pulls himself to be soo happy and enduring, i thought One-sided love hurts but he makes it sound soo pleasing that I could not help but smile at his feelings

"I wish Hyung returns your feelings Ji, you seem to love him a lot" I said biting on the race cake

"Well..well he said he does like me" he mumbled quietly making me choke on rice cakes, I looked at him with pure amazement

"What really? When? Are you bitch a couple now? Why didn't you tell me?" I bombarded with questions as he blushed

"Well...the day you outed your marriage, I was pretty drunk so Minho hyung dropped me home...and me being the lovesick boy confessed him.." He spoke as looked at him raising eyebrows to continue

"Well...he did tell he likes me..b-but I don't know if it was out of fun or I was being drunk delusional.." he pouted making me coo at him.

"Then you should confess to him realise Ji"

"Easy for you to say when you literally married your childhood crush or husband who treats you like princess" His words made me smile, all the time bokkie cared for me flashed my brain as I blushed at the remarks but my smile slowly faded realising where we are now..

"What happened Jin, are you both fighting?"

"Noo, just thinking about your proposal" I changed the topic, no one needs to know what's going on between's our matter and I'm sure we can sort it out.

We talked for some more, making plans of shopping for his proposal.

It was lunch time when my legs tried to find Felix, I wanted to see if he was ok, but I didn't find him anywhere.

Where are you bokkie?

Third person pov.

"Till when will you stay here, sir?" The woman asked making Felix sigh

"I don't know, I'm not in my best mood to tell you the time" Felix said sliding the money across the table

"Well you pay a lot, I might help you relieve your stress if you want" she spoke with a smile making Felix chuckle

"I'm here to have a piece of mind not to increase my problems of my complicated life" Felix said walking away.

Well Felix is staying in a hotel, he didn't want to go to any of their Friends house and tell them about his married life, he somehow wanted to keep it personal hence he is staying in the hotel and working on his project without going to university from a week, it's draining his energy.

He really wants to switch on his mobile and see if Hyunjin has texted him but he was too scared to see Hyunjin calling him dramatic over some wedding rings, he sighed heavily drinking coke while staring out of the window.

He wanted to go back but he doesn't want to seem easy, he loves Hyunjin but he also doesn't want hyunjin to take him for granted than he already did.

"I can't seem to unlove you soo easily Hyunnie, what should I do?" He asked himself brushing his fingers across the wedding rings as a tear drop slided down the rings..

"I miss you Hyunnie" he whispered slowly as tears blurred his vision, hugging himself in the cold night, he missed his husband's scent and cuddles.


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