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Felix pov. (Thought it was necessary)

I took Hyunjin's phone and called Mr.Kim to know what happened

"Mr.Hwang I'm sorry to inform but you are being careless now and it's getting diff-"

"Sorry Sir, We didn't mean to be careless there was an issue going on between us so we couldn't pay attention and our exams are coming close
Hence I deeply apologize for our lack of engagement and concern for your problems"
Felix apologized and Mr.Kim knew he was telling truth and ofcourse why would you want to mess with The Lee Felix who would beat the shit out of you.


"Yes Mr.Lee, I appreciate your concern now but the problem has gotten a little bigger so will you be able to come,?"

"Sure Mr.Kim, when is your inspection from Australian government? We will come before that and renew our papers and finish our last designing part, so you can set up everything" Felix said calmly knowing what the problem was going to be

"They gave a notice that they would come for checking after 6months and one month is already done" He answered defeatedly

"We will come there after 50days and finish our work in *he looked towards Hyunjin who signalled 5 days* 5-6 days then I think you can start your work. Sorry for causing soo much delay Mr.Kim"
Felix apologized again and Mr.kim was happy about how considerate they were

"Thank you Mr.Lee, I'll get things done for you here so it will an easy stay for you. I was worrying about how will I find an amazing designer soo soon if you would give up but Thank you soo much for holding back and trying. Tell Mr.Hwang we are looking forward for their amazing work.
Thank you again"

"Don't be Mr.Kim, we won't abandon you and leave you behind. Thanks for trusting us".

"Sure see you both in Australia soon"

The call got cut and Felix finally sighed in relief with a huge smile as Hyunjin hugged him tight

"I'm soo lucky to have such an negotiating Husband, I love you Bokkie" Hyunjin said cupping Felix cheeks and giving a long press on the lips.

"You are so talented love, obviously I have to be good right?" Felix praised kissing hyunjin's eyes and then the nose making the other giggle.

Oh how much Felix had missed those giggles.

"We should start going now" with that both of them left home.

Both Felix and Hyunjin worked hard for their Exams and before Exams start Felix held a meeting for his start up company as he explained them everything well and they were finally happy and satisfied with the proposal.

"Bokkie, please come have some food you are studying from soo long please"
Hyunjin pleaded but Felix remained unfazed


"Not now love, I'm really at my edge of finishing this. Please don't disturb" Felix answered calmly giving a small smile before going back to his pages and balance sheet.

Hyunjin sighed closing the door a small pout on beutiful lips
After an hour Hyunjin came inside again only to receive the same answer but this time he huffed and walked closer to Felix who was clearly very stressed out.

"Love- what are you doing- Hyunnie it's imp-"

"Shhh Bokkie, I know it's important just 10 minutes for me please, just 10 minutes" Hyunjin pleaded sitting in Felix's lap and the other sighed before nodding

"Thank you, just close your eyes and relax. Tell me what's getting you soo much stressed"  Hyunjin asked massaging Felix's scalp, his thumb tracing the sides of forehead calming his heavily pulsing nerves

"Just..I missed a lot of classes and was busy in my work that I didn't read enough so I'm scared how it will go" Felix answered in small voice

"It will be completely fine Bokkie, just take some rest and proper breaks, you will get everything. If you put soo much pressure on your brain. It might actually give up right when you need the most" Hyunjin said in serious tone as Felix couldn't supress the giggle and nodded.

"Just a min, I have food ready for you, It's not a lot to push you to sleep but enough to keep you going. Is that ok?"

"Yes my lord, it's completely fine" Felix joked and Hyunjin rushed to get him some food.

Felix had the food and got back to studying while Hyunjin also studied sticking close to his husband keeping him hydrated.

The days passed like that, practicing together and sticking by eachother's side, both of them wrote their exams well without worrying about anything.

Finally it was time to leave for Australia and they were packing their bags for it mostly Hyunjin as Felix was hugging him and pestering him with his kisses and increasing his work

"Bokkie leave" Hyunjin pleaded but just received an another kiss on his cheeks and he heard a sheepish smile from behind

"Bokkie -"

"Be quiet Hyunnie, the more you speak the stronger the urge to make you breathless is pleasing" Felix answered in his deep voice as hyunjin felt shivers down his spine


"Shh, just complete the packing before my patience goes to zero" Felix said in soft voice while kissing the neck as the skin started turning red in anticipation.

Hyunjin did his best to pack everything before he was thrown on the bed and was kissed passionately and the night was just filled with more breathless kisses.

Giving kkami to their parents, the couple left for Australia.

After 10 hours long flight.....

"Oh .Mr.kim gave us the same room so nice" Felix commented and hyunjin agreed nodding

"I'm so tired" Hyunjin said plopping himself on the bed

"Then who will take bath and go to mr.kim's office to finish the work?" Felix asked hovering over hyunjin, who suddenly felt very bold

"I don't know because I don't have enough energy to take a bath" Hyunjin said slowly as Felix raised his eyebrows

"Oh are you suggesting something my love?" Hyunjin shrugged answering

"Probably yes, Probably no...you might never know Mr.Lee.... what do you want to do?"

Felix just stared at him smirking

"Getting bold I see" Felix remarked inching closer and hyunjin blushed nodding

"Yes, getting bold what are you going to do?"

"Help my beautiful husband take bath" Felix said kissing the forehead before lifting hyunjin up in his arms

"Ahhhh.... Bokkie what are you do-doing?"

"I'm doing what you asked for, helping you take bath"

Felix smirked opening the bathroom door with his husband whose cheeks were in the darkest red shade....


Next chapter is going to be my favourite one and the next one after that will have......Smut?....

You all want smut?

Anyways I love you all Bye...

See you all in next chapter.
( 1138 words).

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