Lonely nights

473 21 18

Third person pov.

"What did you do?" Felix's voice was loud enough to give hyunjin chills as he closed his eyes taking a breath, his eyes red from the controlled tears, his trembling lips parted to defend himself


"What did you do Errie?" The question surprised the other two, as Hyunjin gasped loudly immediately covering his mouth as a smile did creepy out his lips

"I'm not going to repeat myself what did you do Errie?" Felix's voice was loud irritated, making the girl crumble yet she gathered up the courage to answer

"I didn't do anything, your Husband out there slapped me out of nowhere didn't you see?" She asked back

"I know my husband well enough Errie, even though he doesn't like you he would not hit you out of the blue, what did you do to get on his nerves" Felix jerked his hand away from her standing infront of her as hyunjin was right behind him, Felix's gaze didn't waver as Errie scoffed loudly

"Can't you see your husband ju-"

"That is not the answer I want to hear"

"I just told him he looks like a mess with the flour all over him but He, he thought I insulted him and slapped me, Sir..I didn't do anything" She said with a tear sliding down her cheeks and before hyunjin could speak again Felix interrupted

"Is that all? Is that all you have to say?" Felix asked for last time as she nodded with a sniff as Felix hummed

"If that's all you have to say then Errie, my husband just lightly caressed your cheeks whispering his husband doesn't care about how he looks, that's what I saw and heard" Felix concluded making the other gasp


"Excuse me Errie, I have to have a talk with my husband in private you can continue to work" Felix said.

Felix's hand held hyunjin's wrist as he pulled the other with him outside and hyunjin just stared at him with wide eyes, the fact that Felix didn't even ask him what happened but defended him knowing completely about him, his heart warmed at it and his stomach filled with butterflies.

Hyunjin knew it was wrong yet he turned back to see Errie's furious expression as he smirked at her pointing at the hand holding him before disappearing in the hallway towards the exit.

"So care to explain why you slapped her?" Felix asked once they reached near his car

"Because she slapped me first"

"She did? I- why did she do that?"

"Because I reminded her about being a bitch and seducing my husband which didn't go well" Hyunjin told in lightest way as Felix just stared him

"I didn't tell you that behave like this Hyun, it was a something sensitive that had to stay between us why would you do that? How come you be so inconsiderate about someone and their feelings Hyun?" Felix question removed the little smirky smile from his face as his face slumped down

"I didn't wan-wanted to but-"

"Then you shouldn't have, I don't know what's gotten you" Felix exhaled heavily closing his eyes, he never thought Hyunjin would be so awful reminding someone of that...it's disgusting what Errie did and it's even more horrible that Hyunjin reminded her of that.. they had sorted it out but Hyunjin just had to cross the line

"It's not my fault that she started first, she told we were not destined, she told we were not compatible, she told you are stuck with me she-"

"I don't see any lie Hyun, everything what she said was true"
The way Felix looked into his eyes telling that they trembled as tears collected in them, he avoided the gaze biting his lips to not sob

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