First Date.

474 29 15

Third person pov.




"What is going on?"

The cold voice of the mother gave Felix chills, who visibly shivered, He can't forget the way her teary eyes blamed him nor can he forget the pain Hyunjin felt throughout from the letters.

His hand instinctively held Hyunjin's hand, not even daring to let go after soo much, he wasn't ready to let go, if hyunjin's mother would separate them

"I asked what is going on? Why is Felix still here? Didn't I ask you to leave? Get out of my home and leave my son's hand" She pulled Felix's hand which was holding Hyunjin's tightly but she couldn't Hyunjin had held the hand just as tight.

"Ma I and Bokkie reconciled, we -"

"Reconciled do you both think marriage is a joke? Sometimes you don't want to take Hyunjin with you? Sometimes you want to divorce him? And suddenly today you reconciled. Care to explain?" She asked throwing daggers at Felix

"I'm sorry for everything I once did Aunty, I was too much stressed and occupied so I didn't realise what I said, I'm sorr-"

"So you will tell you hate my son and want to divorce him every time you are frustrated?" She asked raising her voice as Felix shook his head

"Never will I do it again, I-"

"But you did it already what-"

"Ma stop, let him explain himself stop cutting him in middle" Hyunjin intervined siding with Felix

"What will he explain? What is there -"

"If you let him I'm sure he can, If you listen to what your son did, how much he got on his nerves if you would be there you would hit me up straight asking me not to disturb even after soo many pleads of leaving the other alone, I didn't leave him I kept on pestering him without knowing how much of problem he was in yet he didn't touch me, he was still patient until I bought up a third person in middle wanting to marry them...that's when divorce came in picture, he just asked me to find another partner for my interior design but I took it for life and then it went down the hill. It was both of our mistakes and we both realise it, I still didn't Forgive him for the words he told bec-" hyunjin paused as a tear left his eyes and his mom was surprised by the words

"Any fight with him is not worth leaving him, if it's not for us loosing love on each other then there is always room to get better, for another chance. Every marriage problem can be solved if both the individual want to solve it, want better for eachother and that's what we are doing, We want better for us, a second chance for our marriage, we will work it out as long as we love each other so please..stop blaming him, he was oblivious of everything happened to me..give him a chance Ma, Don't think through the pain I felt but think from the way Bokkie has always seen me, protected me and cared for me"

Hyunjin finsihed with so many tears running down, the thought of loosing Felix was breaking his heart into pieces, he cannot loose him now, not when they told how much they love each other.

Felix was left speechless honestly after this calling Hyunjin a dumb dumpling would be difficult because he is soo much more mature and understanding than he can ever be.

"I dont want to hurt your son or my hyunnie anymore Aunty, I'll be more gentle and considerate towards my love from today on, The word divorce is very much big and I realised that, I'm never going to use it again. I'll love my love just as precious as he had always been. Just trust me this once, please" Felix pleaded as Hyunjin held his hand more firmer

"Marry Me, I'll treat you right"-HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now