Why don't you listen to me

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I did a blunder in the age last episode they are 20 actually...they got married around Christmas when both were 18, they had to legalise their marriage and move in together but felix rejects moving in so early because he still was not used to Korean and korea again not wanting it to burden their marriage (a very poor reason everyone knew but hyunjin agreed so they didn't argue) even after a whole year spending their first anniversary separately (they turned 19 by then) their parents decided that they had to do something so they talked with lix again and he agreed to move in, during new year when they were still 19 they moved in together but as it's the year end heading towards their 2nd anniversary both of them turned 20. Did it make sense, I hope it did.....

Moving back to story..
(  Sorry not sorry :(  )

Third person pov.

"Do you want to moan my name tonight hyunnie?" felix asked breathing heavily
"Bokkie.......what is a moan?" hyunjin asked tilting his head"What?" felix was in disbelief "Hmm..what is a moan bokkie" hyunjin asked cutely blinking his eyes and felix rested his head on hyunjin's shoulder realising how innocent hyunjin was and the whole reason of not sexualising their relation was this, hyunjin's innocence was something felix never wanted to touch, especially now when hyunjin was drunk in his arms he didn't and will never take his virginity breaking their trust.

Felix lifted his head but was kissed by hyunjin who sucked on his lips as he released a moan how ironic hyunjin moaned yet didn't know what it was....""What?" felix asked about the kiss "It felt good so i did it again" hyunjin answered giggling as leaned in for another kiss surprising felix again who held hyunjin tight giving back the kiss as he sucked on those swollen lips more sucking of all the remaining water if it was still there,  hyunjin parted his lips as felix put his tongue in and glided his tongue over hyunjin's sucking it as he moved his tongue all over the mouth he tilted hyunjin's head to touch the throat sucking in all moans and whimpers after the whole intense makeout felix let go "You meant this? Our kiss you liked?" felix asked "Yes.. the kiss your lips so soft bokkie" hyunjin giggled kicking his legs in water making felix laugh both of them started laughing and hyunjin kissed lix again, again and again "stop hyunnie" felix told sealing those lips in his fingers who sheepishly smiled "Are you hungry hyunnie?" Felix asked diverting the topic to which hyunjin agressively nodded, "bokkie kiss" hyunjin pouted pointing his lips asking for it "After dinner you get bokkie's kisses" "cuddles?" Hyunjin asked in high pitch voice "hyunnie doesn't like bokkie cuddles" felix stated to which hyunjin shook his head "hyunnie likes only bokkie cuddles as they are so warm" he chirped happily

Felix lifted hyunjin up making him sit on the skimmer as he also got out of the pool, as felix was draining out the water from clothes hyunjin jumped on him wrapping his legs around felix "What the hell hyunnie,what if we both fell in water? Or i slip with you? Couldn't you jus- *kiss*"  felix was confused why again?  "Sorry kiss bokkie" hyunjin giggled "You want another sorry kiss" hyunjin asked puckering his lips holding lix's neck "After dinner hyunnie not now, hmm?  be good now" felix ordered in his deep voice to which hyunjin obeyed nodding his head but looked down pouting his lips as he thought felix scolded him and didn't like his kisses.
"What do you want have hyunnie?" "Anything bokkie likes" hyunjin murmured looking down "Okay then" felix was not going to give in hyunjin's kisses and loose his last thread of sanity "How about some pizza hyunnie?" felix asked gently tucking the hair strand behind the ear and walking towards their room "PIZZA" hyunjin shouted excitedly kicking his legs making it hard for felix to walk but he still did "anything for hyunnie" felix smiled so did hyunjin getting in his excited mood back, as lix was pressing their floor no. in lift drying his hand *kiss* hyunjin pecked the cheek "bokkie your cheeks are soft too" hyunjin complimented making felix cheeks red.

Both of them got into their room started changing their clothes Hyun in washroom felix in room, felix felt eyes on him as he looked back to see a dumpling peeping his head out, chucking at the action, felix wore his night shirt and went to hyunjin "Need any help baby?" felix asked to which hyunjin nodded looking down but pointed at his shirt which was stuck in his chain, felix removed it and took out the shirt, as soon as he did it hyunjin hid himself behind curtains "Bokkie go out, it's not fair to look at someone getting naked" hyunjin glared "But you are not naked though are you?" Felix teased "Yes I'm, like I don't have a shirt it means naked so get out" hyunjin whined amusing felix.

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