I was waiting for you.....

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Third person pov.

Hyunlix got up surprisingly at the same time where hyunjin snuggled more in Felix's arms  as felix just patted his head telling ""I want to take you to my grandmother if you want to"   "Oh I would love too" hyunjin replied still hugging felix which elicited a chuckle from felix "Then you gotta get up  hyunnie, my grandma likes when people visit her early for breakfast" he answered calmly "Why anything special about it" hyunjin asked with his eyes still closed "Hmm..yes for her when people visit early she believes that she has a lot of time for them a whole day......she loves to drink early morning milk tea with strawberries and a person to chat with while watching sunrise" felix said as it was still dark outside hyunjin whined cuddling up more close while felix still pet his hair, eventually after 5min hyunjin woke up "Come let's go...I can't wait to see her, she seems lovely" he exclaimed little excited running off to washroom.

After a while checking some e-mails and responding to Chan about client details, felix heard a click sound thinking hyunjin finished his work he walked up to washroom still chatting with chan. When lix entered the washroom hyunjin was still in shower room changing his clothes while the curtains in middle felix removed his shirt, tied up his hair keeping aside his mobile he turned the water of sink to brush which scared hyunjin who swiftly opened the curtains just wearing a shirt "BOKKIE" hyunjin screamed and felix turned to see hyunjin's full legs on display, the oh so smooth thighs with little birthmarks, his wet hair sliding down the neck and chest he could see those pink nipples peeping out a little, as felix was lost in hyunjin so was hyunjin too who could not look away from the toned abs of felix, the defined choclate bars those veins on the sides of waist, the beautiful strong chest adorned with silver chains his eyes travelled towards the hand which was holding onto the sink tightly *Ring, Ring* their trance on eachother broke when Felix phone rang who coughed a little picking up the call as hyunjin just ran outside holding his clothes, "What was that...why did he look so good, i never knew he had abs like that" hyunjin cursed holding his head as the image kept flashing in his brain.

Both of them got ready and headed towards their car, the atmosphere little heated between them but someone had to break it but again no one dared to, they silently rode the whole way to felix's grandmother's house until in middle "Bokkie stop here please" hyunjin asked out of blue scaring felix who stopped the car immediately.
"What happened hyunnie"   "Just a min" hyunjin told walking out of the car as felix observed him from the car rear view mirror.

Hyunjin was infront of a flower shop "Excuse me" he called out sweetly to the lady "Yes sir, Which flowers you want to take?" She  asked "Can you make a bouquet of pink camelia and yellow tulip flowers" he asked her as all the flowers looked fresh in the chilly morning. She immediately wrapped the ones hyunjin asked and handed it to him as hyunjin paid for them walking back to felix in car.

"Why would you get them suddenly?" Felix asked as he started the car "Oh please you are seeing her after seven years bokkie, she must have missed you so I bought it for her" hyunjin smiled warmly "Oh then you could any flowers why specific?" Felix asked turning his car   "Mhh... because pink camelia means longing for someone- you were the only one for her here and you left after 7 years she must have longed to meet her only grandson for so long and ...yellow tulips is for friendship and togetherness- as I'm a new member I want to be her friend and loved by her" hyunjin said calmly all while smiling arranging the flowers, the answer made felix heart waver a little bit he composed himself.

"Grandma" felix called out loudly as the door opened revealing a sweet a little old lady who smiled so warmly upon hearing felix's voice"Ahh...is that my yongbokkie, my beautiful boy I missed you baby " she gasped loudly eventually hugging him tightly as felix bent down to hug her just with the same affection when they parted, hyunjin shoved the bouquet secretly in Felix's hand to give it to her "Grandma for you, hyunjin picked the flowers himself, he says I should give them as you must miss me a lot and he expects that you be his friend too" felix snitched about hyunjin while laughing who had turned bright red in embarrassment"Ah..n-no " he stuttered as grandma smiled warmly"You are such a sweet boy hyunjin baby, you are just as adorable as felix mentioned here and don't worry you are my friend" she spoke while hugging hyunjin too patting his back as felix still continued to laugh at the embarrassed state "Ahh...Grandma" felix shouted when she pulled his ear "Don't tease my new friend, my new family member felix, behave" she warned then pulled hyunjin by his hand, inside the home, welcoming him leaving a pouty felix at the door step and hyunjin laughed quietly at felix.

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