Thank you.

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Hiiii Everyone.

I'm here just to tell how thankful I'm for all your reads, votes and love for the book.

It's not been that long since I put my last chapter and my story has 10k reads and 500+ votes.

This count may or may not be that much for you all but for me it's a lot.

I didn't think my book would receive soo many reads given that I have Bottom Hyunjin and Top Felix Hyunlix book.

Before I started writing when I read almost more than half of Wattpad hyunlix books all I ever saw how everyone likes feminine Felix, how they can't tolerate Felix being even slightest dominant.
I just wanted to write because i like Masculine Felix and cute Hyunjin, there aren't enough books which tell about how adorable Hyunjin is and how he also needs care rather than writing a not so good character for him.
Again I'm a soft and sensitive person and Felix being my bias and Hyunlix being my ultimate ship which I'm attached to, I can't honestly read them as toxic characters...( My bad I know )

Anyways there are some questions I would like you all to answer.

1. Which part of the book was your favourite?

2. Who do you think we're more responsible for the angst in the book?

3. You liked the possessive Felix in the start of chapters or the soft one at the end?
(I actually had forgotten about his possesive behaviour until i received some comments about it and damn I Felix was really a lot, the initial chapters where hit the people in Australia or the way he gave seungmin warning or the way seungmin discovered their marriage...that was a looottt)

4. Something you like about both Felix and Hyunjin character.

5. How much did the author justify the story with respect to description of story?

6. Something I should improve?

7. Something I should not change in my books.

8. Did you all like that there was no 3rd person involvement during their fight, who wanted to solve the couple problem?
( I don't like others speaking between the couples fight even if it's bestfriends or parents)

9. The fact that the story revolved only around Hyunjin and Felix was entertaining or boring. You wanted more characters involvement?

10. What will you call their marriage as?

Well that was all, I would love if you all put your words in it.

If you all wonder why I posted a lot then there are couple of reasons

1. I was disappointed with the Errie seduction part, It was not how  I wanted it to be. It had to be a simple strip tease with Felix simply walking off saying he wasn't excited but I ended up writing a whole damn lecture on it .
Hyunjin had to be insecure after knowing about it since Felix didn't get lured so easily with a soft kiss from Felix to assure he would be his choice always...but..but..I ended up making Hyunjin a doubting wide, again that part was not something i liked.

2. You all might think I put the story and vanish off, but its not like that, I keep checking notifications to see the people who liked and commented on the chapters but after a certain chapters I didn't see the same readers again..I was disappointed in myself to not have my story intresting enough to keep them entertained so I wanted to end the book before the little readers from start who are left also loose intrest in it.

3. The constant updates was because Ramdaan was coming as I didn't want my smut to fall in that time of month so I updated fast so who and all usually like the smut I write can enjoy it without any guilt.

Well I'm still thankful to a lot of readers who took their time in telling me I was doing good when I doubted my book because it revolved only around Hyunjin and Felix while the other characters were least present in it.

The original plot of this book was of nearly 40- 45 chapters but as I mentioned I didn't wanted to complete the book when everyone lost interest or left reading the book.

As I Had thought of 40-45 chapters there are a lot of smut, fluff and angst chapters which I Want to write as special chapters if you all want to read.

• My fav one- When Hyunjin gets caught reading Felix's diary in which he wrote about every possible smut between him and hyunjin.

• Locker room sex after football practice

• When hyunjin finally tries the skirt Felix bought for him during the honeymoon


• Their family dinner with Felix's mother being apologetic and good to Hyunjin.

• Eating Ice- cream near the beach on Felix's birthday like Hyunjin wished in the letters.

• some of their romantic dates


• Their work difference clashes, not giving enough time for each other

• Felix possesive behaviour

• Hyunjin's insecurity of not being enough and loosing Felix ( past experience).

Suggested one : of them growing old together.

Yes mostly their marriage after the 4 year....

If anyone of you want me to write these special oneshot chapters, I can do it since I might or might not have rushed with the ending...

Note: The special chapters would be at time whenever I'm free, i won't update like chapters of book.

All are going to be oneshots since I'm good at writing oneshots than stories.

Thank you again for all you love...

*Kisses and Hugs*

See you all in special chapters I guess

(940 words).

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