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Third person pov.

After the whole messy makeout session, hyunjin's neck was filled with red purplish marks, with red puffy lips coated with Felix's saliva, bite marks and disheveled state with heavy panting hyunjin's hooded eyes met with felix's dark ones, the lips curled up in a smirk at hyunjin's state as hyunjin shivered at the dark gaze, his eye lids fluttering with erratic heartbeat, Felix's hand gently massaged the thigh "Ahh..b-o-kkie" hyunjin moaned his head hitting the back of door, as his thighs held Felix's waist tighter, Felix leaned down to place gentle kisses on the red sweaty skin as hyunjin released a whimper, sweat falling off the forehead towards the neck making his back arch, his hands fisting up Felix's Jersey as he still quietly moaned. Felix's lips placed gentle kisses along the way towards the red ear, he bit on the red tip "Ahh.." hyunjin moaned as Felix chuckled darkly near the ear as hyunjin's head hit the door again in pleasure, "You are doing soo good for me hyunnie, soo obedient listening to me" Felix's whispered in the deep voice in the ear, hyunjin whined loud at the feeling, his head foggy and filled with only Felix, his lips, his voice, his dark eyes, the hands holding him tight in place, his dark mocking laugh..only him..Felix was all in his mind, his forehead rested on Felix's shoulder as he whined at the way Felix was still placing gentle teasy kisses on his sensitive neck "Bo-kkie.." he moaned unable to speak a word think a proper sentence but Felix just hummed in response.. finally stopping the tease, giving hyunjin time to collect himself.

"Hyunnie?" Felix called for hyunjin as he went quiet leaning on his shoulder it was still quiet for some time but eventually hyunjin hummed in response lifting his head up to meet Felix's eyes, the lips smiling gently at him
"You want to go home before going to cafe or we will go after a shower here?" Felix asked pointing at the shower rooms in the gym area
"Let's go home" hyunjin said quietly before going back to hug Felix and resting the head on Felix's shoulder
"You want me to carry you pretty?" Felix asked with a amused smile at hyunjin's cuteness as hyunjin whined slightly kicking his legs making Felix chuckle "You are so cute.. hyunnie" Felix said giving a quick kiss to the hair and holding the Koala tight as they walked home.

"Bokkie pleaseee.....just one nothing will happen... pleaseee" hyunjin whined holding onto Felix's sleeve with the biggest pout one can have
"Noo.. hyunnie there is still time for it...we are still young for that" Felix said in a firm voice looking in the eyes with a dead serious look making hyunjin kick his legs whine like a child, despite the curious eyes seeing him weirdly which he didn't mind so did hyunjin yet
"Everyone is seeing bokkie,why don't you simply agree?" Hyunjin frowned angrily
"You stop acting like a child everything will be fine" Felix said casually angering the dumpling more, who puffed his cheeks taking deep breaths..

"Meanie....ass" Hyunjin mumbled kicking the leg below the table..which obviously Felix selectively ignored..

"Yahhh... bokkie"
"Yah..cutie potatoie"
"Yahh.....just once, for this once please...let's do it..there is nothing wrong in it" hyunjin still tried to convince the not interested boy, who again ignored him.
Hyunjin looked at him with eyes, which said *if eyes could kill, he would be dead by now*, hyunjin thought of ways to get Felix agree, finally settling to one which he was going to act on....

Hyunjin started sniffing slightly (obvious drama dumpling), which Felix tried to ignore, but it kept getting difficult when Hyunjin started sniffing loudly, looking down chewing his lips, picking on his food.... hyunjin actually started to cry in real realising Felix doesn't care at all...it hurt the boy as he tried to quite down... scratching his fingers and finally Felix realised it was no more acting...but the boy was actually crying, immediately standing up on his feet Felix rushed to hyunjin
"Hyunnie there is nothing to cry..ok? We can do it next time.." Felix says trying to hold the hands which hyunjin swatted off looking the other way
"Hyunnie please baby, it will be really difficult as we are still studying" Felix pleads for understanding but hyunjin just ignores mumbling
"I can take care of it...not big deal, it will be a little bit of pain since it's new but I can....I know I'm capable of it" Hyunjin's voice got louder at the end looking into felix's eyes without blinking
"You don't care about my feelings and needs anymore....you became bad boy...." Hyunjin said with a piercing gaze
"You really are going to judge me...just for not listening to you once?" Felix asked in disbelief
"Noo....not that, you didn't even ask or try to know if I'm crying...you changed" hyunjin said as another tear flowed down the pretty eyes as the answer dropped Felix's heart
"Hyunnie you were acting at first, i knew it that's why I didn't ask...but when you actually cried, ain't i here for you ?" Felix asked cupping the dumpling cheeks as hyunjin avoided the gaze, his heart calming down slowly...Felix cares for him, his heart went fluttery he slowly looked into the eyes again, with a little pink face at close proximity
"Ok...I'll not tell things like that again... I know you care" hyunjin mumbled slightly smiling
"That's so sweet, come let's go home"
"NOOO.....I want to have it" he whined loudly
"Hyun, it will be difficult"
"I'll manage"
"It might ruin the sheets and your works" Felix said in a concerned tone
"It's ok..i don't mind" hyunjin was determined
"You promise to not get this between our relationship?" Felix asked looking into the eyes for honestly which didn't waver while confirming it
"Yes..i don't know, how it will come into our relationship but i promise to keep you priority.. nothing will change" Hyunjin was determined as Felix sighed smiling
"Ok..let's do it"
"YAYYY...come fast" hyunjin pulled Felix's hand towards the counter, as they already knew about what they wanted, signing at the paper both walked towards the room together, hyunjin dancing happily.....
"Finally I got you...." Hyunjin said holding onto it'

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