Hyunjin's story

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Past.........(I really hope you all remember the First chapter and some initial chapters)

Third person pov.

After a year of Felix sent to Australia...

"Ma,do you think Aunty Lee hates me?" The 11 year old hyunjin asked with a pout making his mom giggle

"No baby she just misses her son" She said with a smile as Hyunjin pouted more for a second before smiling big

"Ma, if i bake cookies for her then she will forgive me and be happy?" He asked as his mom pretended to think for a min before agreeing

"Yes baby..come here let's bake it for her"

"Hehe" hyunjin giggled wearing his apron and baked some cookies.

"Ma, I'll give this to Aunty Lee come back" He shouted wearing his shoes, while going he also took a beautiful flower from his garden running to the other home.

*Ding* *Ding*

"Who is it?" Aunty Lee peeked out of the door

"It's me Hyunnie Aunty" Hyunjin cheered as her eyes went to him and her smile vanished

"What are you doing here boy" She said rudely making him feel small, he smiled offering the cookies to her.

"I baked some cookies for you Aunty,.I hope you love them and don't worry I'll be with you until Bokkie comes back" He giggled

"Oh Hyun, come inside baby what are you doing standing out, Honey let him in" Aunty Lee opened the door as Hyunjin ran inside and hugged Yongbok's Father

"Aww I missed you sooo much you big boy" Father said before hugging him back and putting him down

"I'll get some ice cream for him, talk to him honey" Mr.Lee said walking out after giving a loving kiss to Hyunjin

"Aunty Lee tell me how are the cookies, I baked them for you specially" He said Clapping his hands, the woman nodded her head

As she was tasting the cookies Hyunjin curiously kept looking at her, and a small curious question left his lips which shut the woman from giving compliments

"Aunty Lee, did bokkie call?"

"Hmm..he did" she said slowly making hyunjin smile big
"What did he tell? How is he? Does he miss me?" Hyunjin asked in his high pitched voice making the woman snap at him in the most harsher way anyone could do in just calm voice

"Yes he said he is doing good, he told he got some good friends and is really enjoying time with them, also he didn't particularly mention anything about you though" She said smiling so evilly as hyunjin heart shattered at it

"He didn't say he misses me? Can I talk to him next time he calls?" He asked innocently as the mother shook her head
"I didn't want to tell you this though...but after some days of going there, he told he hates you and not to mention about you again, he wants to make new friends and replace your friendship with them...and he is doing well with that I guess" she said smiling as hyunjin's eyes watered

"You are lying, bokkie told he-he will neve-never forget me and come back for me" He said hiccuping as the woman laughed lightly before showing some fake sympathy

"If you had been a good friend then you won't be the reason he is away from his family, because of you my Yongbok is there...all because of you and he realised how much of a bad friend you are soo he said he hates you baby, forget about Yongbok and just make new friends like he is making" She said in the end making the tears flow out of the eyes, the flower in his hand dropped as his tiny legs stomped over them as he ran out of the home crying heavily

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