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Third person pov.

Felix was speeding his car, his eyes filled with worry, the call he attended earlier made chills run down his spine, his mind swirling around one hope

"I hope you are fine Hyunnie, don't make me regret taking time to understand the situation please" he mumbled his eyes stung, remembering the earlier conversation

"Hello?" Felix answered the call

"Is this Hyunjin's gaurdian, his husband?" The other asked making Felix frown....

"Yes it's me, is something wrong?" He asked as his heart started beating a little loud

"Yes certainly, can you come over here, Hyunjin has caused a big fight in University, students are injured along with him. He is a good student we want to have a talk with you before deciding to hold disciplinary committee" The other answered calmly

"What the- I mean is he ok? Is Hyunnie good? He isn't that hurt right?" Felix asked once the other finish making the other sigh

"I think you didn't hear it right, he has hurt students rather than him getting hurt, we would like you to hurry" As soon as the call was cut, Felix rushed with his bag and keys out..... Well the receptionist lady saw two tear drops falling out of the eyes when he checked out of the hotel.


Felix was inside the Principal's office, his face filled with worry as sweat dripped down his body, his eyes scanned the room...and there was his Hyunnie, with his head turned away, a cut at his cheek bone and his knuckles red, his feet made their way to him but he was interrupted with a body in middle

"Are you Felix, Hyunjin's husband? Because as far as we know aren't you the Business Management top student Lee Felix?" She asked with a frown as Felix nodded

"Yes, Lee Felix Hwang Hyunjin's husband" he said sitting down the chair the woman's unsure eyes scanned their hands, one had rings while the other didn't

"We sure believe that, please get his husband the real one" the words making Felix scoff, who looked at hyunjin with his piercing gaze as the other hand his head down more in shame

"I'm his Husband believe it or not, I don't care all I want to know is what happened?" He spoke curtly in his deep voice

"His parents?"

"Out of station with mine, anything else because the guardian signatures are already there, and you accepted them so please let's just get over with it, his wounds are getting infected exposed like that?" Felix said in monotonous voice as they looked at Hyunjin and his bloody state before they gave in... remembering the reason for the commotion

"Well you see Felix, Hyunjin is not allowing anyone for dance practice he is been inside the dance practice room from past a week, searching every corner making it a mess to find a ring, his wedding ring, he is reluctant to let anyone in and today was the breaking point for a student who stood out and asked Hyunjin to stop searching worthless piece of metal which can be replaced....and just like with punch after punch your husband is here and the other is in medical room" the answer surprised Felix, how surprising just a week back Hyunjin was speaking the boy's words and now he was the one hearing not liking a single word of it

"What should we do Mr.Lee, he is a bright student exams are coming near we can't suspend him for soo long" the Principal sighed

"I'll speak to the other boy Mam, let Hyunjin go off the hook this time, Sorry for the trouble" Felix bowed

"Then it's settled if the other student doesn't want to complain then we will let it slide for this once" The Principal said letting hyunjin off

"Thank you soo much" Felix bowed on e again taking hyunjin's bag and leaving with Hyunjin following him silently

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