Pet cafe

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A/n - start of chapter is little spicy make out session....

Third person pov.

When Hyunjin said "ok", felix didn't waste a single second to devour the plumpy lips, hyunjin's hands fist up felix's shirt, Felix held the cheek more tight bringing him more close, felix took both of hyunjin's lips in his suck on them, the lips got moister and moister by the saliva, Felix used his tongue experimently slowly on the plump red lips in a slow drag, "Ahh.." hyunjin moaned at the feeling, his legs wrapping around Felix's waist at the intense feeling, his mouth opened wide to feel more of the slow guey drag and Felix's tongue invaded the wet cavern, feeling the hot warm mouth the tongues intervined in a battle, pushing and gliding on each other, various moans and whimpers were heard in the whole place, the legs around felix's waist tightening and the hands travelled into the hair, holding the strands tight, felix's hold on the waist tightened as he picked hyunjin from the table towards the couch. Felix's lips now giving open mouth kisses on hyunjin's jaw, and neck "Ahh... bok-ie" hyunjin moaned out loud.

Felix put hyunjin on the couch and hovered over him, the lips found their way to eachother again, gliding on every inch of wet mouth with his tongue, felix tugged at hyunjin's hair harshly making his head rise above the couch,the tongue could now go deeper into the wet mouth hitting back of the throat "Aahh.." hyunjin's muffled moans, in Felix's mouth and Felix's groans in hyunjin's mouth swallowing all, they slowly released the tight hold on each other, making the end of kiss sweet, as they cupped each other's cheeks slowly sucked the tongue and then pressing their lips on each other until their ragged breath calm down, their eyes opened holding an eye contact a string of saliva connecting the now parted lips.
"Bok-ie one m-ore please" hyunjin asked with red cheeks, his heart beating erratically, Felix's lips curl into a smirk in victory as he got close to hyunjin's ear "Anything for hyung" whispering seductively and giving a bite on the ear sensually, "Mmm.. bok-bokkie... plea-se" hyunjin begged a little at the tease.

Felix held onto the waist tightly, brushing on the hot skin, his lips pressed on hyunjin's neck, taking in the skin in his mouth, biting and sucking on it, "Aahh.." hyunjin threw his head back at the new feeling, his body felt on fire, the goosebumps arising on skin with every whiff of Felix's breath on his skin. Felix's trail of open mouthed hot kisses left behind deep purplish marks, the sweet heart shaped lips met the swollen one's again in a slow passionate kiss, their tongues in a messy battle again, hyunjin's eyes rolled back as his hips pressed onto Felix's "Hyu-n.." felix moaned, felix's palm caressed the hot toned skin inside the shirt and hyunjin shivered more than ever, as felix's hand slowly went up, hyunjin's eyes closed tightly his breath going erratic in Felix's mouth and when Felix swiped the nipple with his thumb, hyunjin open his eyes, abruptly getting up and sitting on felix's lap looking down and the action surprised felix.

"Hyunnie did I hurt you? What happened hmm?" Felix asked after giving sometime to let Hyunjin compose himself, hyunjin shook his head as 'no' "Then did someone else hurt hyunnie like this, is that why hyunnie is scared" Felix asked again drawing slow circles on the thighs to relax him and again hyunjin shook his head as 'no', his eyes well up in tears of embarrassment because none of Felix's concern had happened to hyunjin, it just happened as a reflex....and it looked stupid now, that he had no reason to feel like this... embarrassment filling in making him feel low.

Felix not understanding a bit of situation hoping to calm him, pulled him in a gentle hug and hyunjin responded to it while crying a little "Hyun-nie is embarassed bokkie" hyunjin admitted feeling a little ashamed for making things awkward. "Why is hyunnie embarassed, he did nothing wrong though" Felix comforted caressing the hair "Hyunnie just out of reflex got up... nothing happened like this before, this is didn't know..I'm sorry " hyunjin apologized making felix frown who cupped the cheeks "Why are you sorry hmm? It's ok to feel cautious about it hyunnie, I had to ask you before escalating Bokkie is sorry and hyunnie should neither be embarrassed nor ashamed about his reflex because it's completely fine and natural ok" felix asked and hyunjin nodded his head..."And if hyunnie doesn't like, bokkie will not kiss him again ok?" Felix asked again and hyunjin was fast to shook his head "Hyunnie likes bokkie kiss, the lips so felt really good...I want to have more kisses if bokkie wants......and bokkie *hyunjin looked in Felix's eyes who's eyes were looking at him already* ...and hyunnie will do future promise" hyunjin said a little shyly as Felix frowned a little asking "What future? 

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