This was the end.

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Third person pov.

Things had gotten a little better between the two as they now sit and have atleast one meal together, after Felix buying Hyunjin's favourite cake for letting Chan have it, Hyunjin didn't want to fight more, he accepted the cake as he shared it with Felix.

His little heart was happy, thinking they were going back to normal but everything was just for somedays before Felix started ignoring Hyunjin's whole existence.

"Bokkie you won't have food?" Hyunjin asked setting the table as Felix shook his head wearing his shoes and running out of the home, it was weekend yet Felix didn't have time for him, it's still morning and Felix was already gone.

The whole day Hyunjin kept glancing at the door for Felix to come in but he didn't nor for lunch nor for the dinner, Hyunjin's messages were not even seen, petting kkami's hair hyunjin was slumped on the couch still trying to keep his eyes open but sleep took over him as he slept there.

The next time he got up was for a blazing sun, which was hitting his face making him groan "Why is it morning already?" He mumbled getting up from the couch with a blanket hugging him, which he obviously didn't take before he dozed off..he freshen up a little and looked at the clock his class was in afternoon so was Felix's too, he slowly knocked on the door to ask if Felix wanted to have breakfast outside, it had been soo long since they had but the room was empty.
There was no Felix nor his took sometime but he realised that Felix was already gone.

Hyunjin was starting to feel lonely and upset at Felix's behaviour he was getting annoyed by the ignorance thrown at him when he actually didn't do anything more than he already did.

Today he was probably lucky because Felix was in his study room, it's sad that he is inside the room from morning without any food so he went to give him some food

" Bokkie? Here I cooked some healthy breakfast for you" Hyunjin placed near the papers Felix was working on,

"Hm..thanks" Felix mumbled slowly typing on his laptop, a visible frown and frustration on his face


"Hyun, get out of the room i can't focus" Felix finally spared him a glance before getting back to his work but hyunjin stood there glancing around to see if he could help with anything

"You need help?" He asked softly seeing the other nod his head

"What do you want?"

"You out of the room, get out of here and it will be alot of help" hyunjin pouted but did get out.

Hyunjin was in his room looking after some of his work papers he wasn't understanding much of it as it was already looked after by Felix, Mr.Kim his Australian client had called for some details but since a pretty long time hyunjin was not able to figure out, he has been tossing the papers trying to understand the codes and written format but it was difficult.

He didn't wanted to but he has no choice and he should not have because. .....

"Bokkie?" Hyunjin peeped in the room to see Felix working with full concentration, the fingers gliding on the keyboard as the noise of typing echoed in the empty room, Felix didn't even look up, too immersed in his work to notice anyone or anything around him.

Taking a deep breath Hyunjin went inside the room getting closer to Felix, he called out again and received a small hum from the other

"Bokkie I need help-"

"Hyun later, I'm busy I'll help you later" Felix cut him off not even listening to him

"It's important bok-"

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